Wheel front hub

12 June 2002
Brunei/ UK
I am in big trouble. I am now driving with my front wheels having four nuts instead of five. The problem came when one nut was stucked and the only way was to remove the nut by drilling it through thus removing the stud as well. My question is should I buy a new wheel hub or can I just replace the broken stud?
Also, 4 lug nuts should still give you plenty of clamping force to keep the wheel from going anywhere, so I wouldn't be too panicked about the car falling apart out from under you.

Thank you for your reply. Anyhow, I've already order the front hub because my friend said it would be risky to just replace the stud. I also had replaced the stock brake pad to Endless ones. I can only say wow.
Originally posted by Jin1976:
Thank you for your reply. Anyhow, I've already order the front hub because my friend said it would be risky to just replace the stud. I also had replaced the stock brake pad to Endless ones. I can only say wow.

Your friend must not be an auto mechanic. Oh well, it's only $$.
