Wheel Bearings - What is their service life?

14 November 2003
At the epicenter of the Zombie Apocalypse
I had my wheel bearings replaced when I bought Charlotte in 2003 with 70K miles. She now has close to 290K miles on those same bearings. I've begun to notice some shimmy from the front wheels at speeds over 80mph. Yes I'm going to have the wheel balance checked first but should the bearings simply be replaced because of the mileage as preventative maintenance?
The way to check wheel bearings is to just lift your car off the ground and grip the tire at 6 and 12 o clock and try and shake right? If there's movement then replace and if there isn't don't worry?

If there is "play" with the above procedure, it may also be the control arms bushings.
My worn bearing made a noise and the noise would lessen as the load was taken off such as in turning, so turning right the noise diminished, turning left it increase this told me my right rear bearing was worn. Not a constant clicking sound like a worn CV joint makes but similar to front wheel drive as turning can help determine which side is worn.
Some what off topic, but is there any maintenance that can be performed on the wheel bearing, as in taking out the bearings and changing the grease out? I did not find anything about any kind of bearing maintenance in Wiki, only about replacing the bearings. Are these a sealed bearing? I am not having any problems, but just looking for info.

91 NSX Red/Black
09 VW Jetta TDI White
Some what off topic, but is there any maintenance that can be performed on the wheel bearing, as in taking out the bearings and changing the grease out? I did not find anything about any kind of bearing maintenance in Wiki, only about replacing the bearings. Are these a sealed bearing? I am not having any problems, but just looking for info.

91 NSX Red/Black
09 VW Jetta TDI White

They are sealed, replacement only....

Also typically a bad wheel bearing will groan, and that groan will change with vehicle speed, and will change tone, as you move the car right and left(load and unload the bearing). If you zig-zag the car you can listen for the corner that is groaning, good place to check first;).

They are sealed, replacement only....

Also typically a bad wheel bearing will groan, and that groan will change with vehicle speed, and will change tone, as you move the car right and left(load and unload the bearing). If you zig-zag the car you can listen for the corner that is groaning, good place to check first;).


Thanks for the information Larry!


91 Red/Black
09 VW Jetta TDI White