What's your problem

14 September 2004
Ok I just want to say that there are Esprit owners here and that the only reason why i join this site is to learn more about the NSX but a few people here are just to bias especialy the NetViper guy.. damn .. chill out... I just think that the Esprit could out perform the NSX on the track thats all...
You may think what you want but your guess has no real clue: Which Esprit version? Which NSX version? Which track? Which drivers?

I saw some Lotus factory drivers personaly driving on a track with Esprits (SE, 8 cyl.) like small gods and they are surely faster than me and my NSX - but that's a proof for what? That an Esprit can outperform a NSX? Come on...
I wouldn't say I am bias. Have you ever driven a NSX? I don't think so. Have you ever even driven on a track?

I HAVE driven a 89 Lotus Esprit SE. It was mostly stock and it was absolutely terrible to drive on the street. It was an ergonomic nightmare. I had to take my shoe off to not hit the gas and brake pedal at the same time. With that horrible gearbox, I don't think it would be very good on a track either.

I know Lotus has improved the car over the years and I would LOVE to drive a 99 Lotus Esprit and see how it is. I am sure it would be a lot better than the 89 I drove. There is no question it is a lot faster than the NSX in a straight line especially with a couple mods.

Honestly though, if you come to a NSX SITE and call yourself LOTUS ESPRIT and say the lotus is better than the NSX without ever even driving one, who here would really care what you think?

I wouldn't go on a Lotus site and call myself NSX and have my first post be about how my NSX is better than their Lotus. :rolleyes:
im not here to say esprit is better i am here to learn more about the nsx.. hey i like the nsx.. thats the only car i like from japan.. i mean look at this way.. nsx type s zero is way much better then all them skylines and supra's... i am asian .. i like asian cars.. and i also like exotics.. just my preference..
Lotus_Esprit said:
im not here to say esprit is better i am here to learn more about the nsx.. hey i like the nsx.. thats the only car i like from japan.. i mean look at this way.. nsx type s zero is way much better then all them skylines and supra's... i am asian .. i like asian cars.. and i also like exotics.. just my preference..

So why would you come to this site and call yourself Lotus Esprit?
Do you actually own one?
Not that you need one to discuss the car, but i wouldn't draw conclusions on data found on the internet.
Lotus_Esprit said:
... i am asian .. i like asian cars.. and i also like exotics.. just my preference..

Well, I'm 5th generation American and I like American cars as well as exotics. Do I get some sort of award or special recognition? I really don't understand why just because you are from a specific continent that it should mean you deserve more respect. Espically on the world-wide-web. Sorry, but I just don't get it!

Btw, I didn't purchase my NSX because it is an "asian car". I purchased it because I like owning a rare automobile that has great performace and meets my needs.

Once again, why did you choose "Lotus_Esprit" as your name? Oh well, I guess you are too young to understand 'cause and effect'.
First off it doesnt matter what race anyone is.. I am not brit but i like a british car..so what.. I am a NSX fan for many years. I have always adore the nsx for its performance and styling. There is nothing wrong with the nsx. Hell the to be honest the NSX is a better buy but I just think that I am more attracted to the Esprit for what it lacks in a NSX. Ok sure basicly a Esprit is a basicly a Carbon Fiber body on a chasis ok but it lacks all those technological stuff in todays car. I just think a true sport car "exotic" needs more of a drivers ability then anything else. Basicly it nees a soul and to me the Esprit is a shell. It's also has a heritage as well so does honda and it's F1 history. There are so many things that can be said about Esprit and NSX.. The NSX Type S zero is much faster then the Esprit for sure. It is running mid 12's low 12's already. It's just what you can do with the car that matters.. V8 tt already setup for you in the Esprit 350hp rwr.. come on.. its enticing. I wish road and track made a comparison between these two exotics.. I would love to read the article..
Lotus_Esprit said:
First off it doesnt matter what race anyone is.. I am not brit but i like a british car..so what.. I am a NSX fan for many years. I have always adore the nsx for its performance and styling. There is nothing wrong with the nsx. Hell the to be honest the NSX is a better buy but I just think that I am more attracted to the Esprit for what it lacks in a NSX. Ok sure basicly a Esprit is a basicly a Carbon Fiber body on a chasis ok but it lacks all those technological stuff in todays car. I just think a true sport car "exotic" needs more of a drivers ability then anything else. Basicly it nees a soul and to me the Esprit is a shell. It's also has a heritage as well so does honda and it's F1 history. There are so many things that can be said about Esprit and NSX.. The NSX Type S zero is much faster then the Esprit for sure. It is running mid 12's low 12's already. It's just what you can do with the car that matters.. V8 tt already setup for you in the Esprit 350hp rwr.. come on.. its enticing. I wish road and track made a comparison between these two exotics.. I would love to read the article..

I don't think you answered the question as to whether you had an Esprit or not unless I missed it?
Welcome to NSXPRIME.com.

First of all, you can learn a lot of things about NSX from




Then, if you want, you may contact local NSX owners to see if they can take you out for a nice drive to see how it really feels in the real world.

After all, as others have already suggested, please go and test drive an NSX before you discuss about how the car meets your expectation.

In regard to finding a megazine article comparing two cars, there should be plenty out there. Go to ebay, and see if you can find old car magazines. I have seen several.

You may want to check them out as well:

NSX vs Lotus vs Vipers and etc..
Best Handling: NSX vs 355 vs C2S vs M3 and etc.
jlindy said:
I don't think you answered the question as to whether you had an Esprit or not unless I missed it?

Actually, from reading his posts, I am not sure he even has a drivers license. ;)

Once every new moon phase, trolls must come out to play, as darkness retards their instinctive thought of right and wrong. Combine that with recent weather patterns, and we have a condition where trolls can become comonplace. Recently, there have been many events take palce, where logic was not used. I think Lotus_Esprit is actually Dan Rather, who is just taking a break from Rathergate. :)
Lotus_Esprit said:
im not here to say esprit is better i am here to learn more about the nsx..

Did you read your first two lines in this thread?


Since you don't seem to remember, I will quote you:

"Even though it is out of production I think it is still better than (you actually typed 'then' but I corrected your grammar) the NSX."

Go away troll.