What's your favorite energy drink?

What's your favorite energy drink?

  • Monster

    Votes: 7 16.3%
  • Monster low carb

    Votes: 6 14.0%
  • Red Bull

    Votes: 10 23.3%
  • Red Bull sugar free

    Votes: 7 16.3%
  • Full Throttle

    Votes: 5 11.6%
  • Full Throttle low carb

    Votes: 2 4.7%
  • Rockstar

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • Rockstar low carb (white)

    Votes: 3 7.0%
  • Rockstar low carb (blue)

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • Amp

    Votes: 1 2.3%

  • Total voters
18 July 2005
I switch it up, but wanted to see what you guys thought.
:):) what, no "espresso with sugar" as an option?
Monster all the way. Been drinking it for about 2 years now. Just recently became friends with one of the distributors. :wink: Saves me about $50 a month! :biggrin:
My favorite was Hansen Energy Drink Pro, ( http://hansensenergypro.com/ ) they also had a diet that my wife liked. Bought them several cases at a time, but unfortunately Trader Joe's looks like they stopped carrying them or Hansen dropped out of the market. Second choice is Monster or Lost.
No Gatorade or Lipovitan?
What about BooKoo? That one is actually my favorite, but hard to find.
As far as "plain" energy drinks go, I started drinking Rockstar about a year ago, just for energy during the day. But I discovered RedBull and Vodka in the club scene when I was over in Europe in 2000. I came home and no clubs knew about it over here, so I had to make my own at home. I started off with RedBull and Absolut Mandrin, about 3-4 nights a week (party daze :rolleyes: ), now it's RedBull and Grey Goose on the weekends. 2 shots of Vodka, dump in an ICE COLD RedBull, add ice... :cool:
Im a huge Red Bull fan. I normally chug one right before getting in the shower, and at night my drink of choice is Red Bull and Grey Goose.:wink:
A supplement company I do work for sells a product called Redline. It makes Red Bull look like cool aid. :biggrin:

The Endo Rush is even stonger... :wink:
That redline stuff can actually kill you. Pretty wicked crazy. It's designed to make you shiver and sweat on it's own. The action of shivering is supposed to help you burn fat/lose weight, along with sweating. People have known to pass out from it.

My personal favorite is no longer made. Sucks because it tastes ALOT better than the redbull everyone knows now. It's the ORIGINAL RedBull sold in little glass bottles. Non Carbonated. Made in Asia, (Thailand I believe) and had to be imported in. It was sold at asian stores. When the American company bought them out, they allowed the original redbull to be sold for quite a while. Then they chopped production on it recently. This was a move to ensure that the ONLY RedBull the world would know, is the one in the shiney carbonated can.
Blue Monsters all the way!!! I wish I knew a distributor!
Hansen Natural makes monster - I had a very large long position with them all through 2007. :biggrin:

EDIT: I guess you were asking for a distributor, not the manufacture... oops. They sell the low carb (blue) Monster's at Costco... they also have a new "juice" monster and Jones soda (my new long position in the beverage industry) has also entered the market at half the price.

ShiftyBob said:
As far as "plain" energy drinks go, I started drinking Rockstar about a year ago, just for energy during the day. But I discovered RedBull and Vodka in the club scene when I was over in Europe in 2000. I came home and no clubs knew about it over here, so I had to make my own at home.
:eek: What!?! I've been drinking RedBull+Vodkas in the Scottsdale club scene since 2000! Don't tell me that we're more progressive than SoCal. :biggrin:
I've probably tasted EVERY single DIET energy drink they have ever made. I drink these things like water sometimes and they don't do much anymore. My fav. was monster for a while, diet rockstar is okay, redbull blah....... Diet Bacchus is good and is what i'm drinking now only because I scored like 15 24 packs at $4 each with no crv! My favorite of them all however is Coca tea. It's way stronger than any energy drink with caffeine and all those bad chemicals, and no jitters, and it's healthy for you........
