What's your favorite book and why? (Unofficial Book Recommendation Thread)

You start :)

A little shy, huh? :tongue:

I'll name a few, since I am indecisive.

1. The Snowball (Warren Buffett's official biography). Masterfully written and I personally like the parallels between Mr. Buffett and my own life.

2. Fooled by Randomness by Nassim Nicholas Taleb. Insightful stock market and business-related book that mirrors my own views on business/investing (primarily the importance of "luck" and how to position yourself to benefit from the unexpected). Black Swan is also good.

3. Honorable Mentions: Den of Thieves, Liar's Poker, The Smartest Guy in the Room, Alchemy of Finance, When Genius Failed: The Rise and Fall of LTCM, Monkey Business.
Macroscope and Prostho Plus, by Piers anthony.

Both are sci fi books. Prostho Plus is about a dentist who gets kidnapped by space aliens and forced to perform dentistry for intergalactic space travelers. It's hilarious.
"Oh The Places You Will Go!" - Dr. Seuss

Childrens story that I read to my daughter- It tells of being ambitious, and encountering obstacles, dealing with disappointment, making diffcult choices, losing your way, stagnating, finding, and enjoying success, dealing with fear, and remaining persistant.

Just the kind of thing anyone needs to know.

Love that damn book.

The Black Swan by Nassim Nicholas Taleb. Similar reasons as Ski mentioned previously. I also like The Psychology of a Trader by Brett Stein(something). Focused on a trader but like most elements of trading, the lessons are applicable in all parts of life.
"The Game" -Neil Strauss

You can download a free copy here:
The Last Juror because it's packed with suspense.
The King of Torts because it has a great moral to the story.
The Five People You Meet In Heaven because of the twist at the end.
out of my later years, Albert Einstein.

the world as i see it
, Albert Einstenin. both of the Einstein books gives many insight into our world now...economically, politically, and socially. it's not nerdy scientific reading, so fear not.

, it's a really long read. i finished it in a few days, but this has to be one of my all time favorites.

the man who mistook his wife for a hat
, a little more scientific but it's an insight read that will take you into the dark and sometime humorous corner of our psyche.

celestine prophecy
...a really hippied out book, if i was not in Laos on some psychelics i don't think i could've finished this with such a scientific mind, haha.

how the market got its' soul
, father economic himself.

the metaphysics of morals, immanuel kant. it's a deep read so do dedicate some time into this one.

there's so much more i would recommend but i think this is enough for now.
I think this is my favorite book so far.

The guy is a genius. Literally. He's one of the main guys behind the nuclear bomb. I think he holds the pattent for the nuclear sub. He talks about his entire life from picking locks, to picking up women, to giving lectures to Einstein.

Far too many to list all the books that I like but there are many many more. Some of them go way back to my childhood which I still sometimes pick up to re-read a certain part.

Thea Beckman - Crusade in Jeans - Novel

Bill Bryson - A Short History of Nearly Everything - popular science

Larry Niven - A World out of Time - SF
Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle - The Mote in Gods Eye - SF
Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle - Oath of Fealthy - SF

Ken Follet - The Pillars of the Earth - Historic Novel

Jared Diamond - Guns Germs & Steel

And lots and lots more of course :)
The Things They Carried - Tim O'Brien
A fictional work about Tim's tour in Vietnam that deeply explores the human condition. A one sentence synopsis here simply doesn't do it justice.

The Hot Zone - Richard Preston
A true story about an Ebola outbreak near D.C. A sincerely frightening book.

Pale Blue Dot - Carl Sagan
Sagan envisions the future of space exploration like no other.
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Bill Bryson - A Short History of Nearly Everything - popular science

Yep, great book. The audio version has tons of stuff left out of the print copy.
Phantom by Susan Kay.

Creates the background and the fictional life history of The Phantom of the Opera.

Awesome read.
I find I don't have a favorite book, but I tend to have favorite authors. If I find a book I really enjoy, then I tend to read all of the books by that author.
Point of Impact by Stephen Hunter. The movie Shooter was based on this book but the book was 100 times better.

Also, Playing for Pizza by John Grisham. Nice story and not lawyer based.
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"My Wicked,Wicked Ways" --autobiography by Errol Flynn

Back in the day, Hollywood felt the need to embelish the life stories of their stars to make them appear more interesting to the public. With Flynn, they actually had to tame his down because they felt that nobody would believe it.
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Point of Impact by Stephen Hunter. The movie Shooter was based on this book but the book was 100 times better.

i don't think any movie is better than any book that it's based on. obviously you can't fit a 200+ page novel into 1.5-3 hrs of movie time.