What's wrong with this car?

13 May 2005
Huntsville, Alabama
Check out this listing on ebay. Anyone see anything wrong with the craftsmanship used to put the NSX back together after it had a "minor" front end collision?


Doesn't exactly encourage someone to bid on it. :tongue:

HINT: look at the front picture.

what are some other obvious things you've seen on NSX's for sale that people try to pass off?
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Looks like it needs repairing, these are the before shots surely :)
Are we talking about the Acura logo being upside down?
haha! I saw that too. I just emailed the seller to see if he was aware of it.
I like the gap on the headlight !!
check out the picture of the dash board. The passengers side air bag has definitely been jacked with. i read somewhere that the owner says the accident never deployed the air bags. looks fishey to me.
Tony Montoya said:
I like the rolled odometer.

Exactly my thoughts...how in the hell could those seats wear that bad with 20K on the clock? Impossible....that car was hammered to hell. Look at the driver's cockpit.

Is it really that easy to roll the odometer on this car? I mean I know its analog, but....

The worse part is that it has 35 bids on it! :eek:
I emailed the seller on Friday about the front emblem being upside down. I still haven't heard anything.
Probably isn't even his house in the picture...just took the shots there to make it look more legit.
Ok, I finally got a reply from the seller when I asked him if he was aware of the front A being upside down. Here it is,

"yes thanks"

I've known some people in the past that have flipped their Acura logos upside down. They do this to give it the letter "H" instead of "A". I always thought it looked messed up when they did this. Make sure the car is checked over well before purchase.

Well it sold for $40,700.00

I hope for the buyers sake that it was just a minor accident.