What's with these 10 000$ NSX's i see for sale

12 April 2007
Whats up with that, I have found a few sites with 91 NSX'S for sale at around 8-14 000.00$ MANUALS TOO. Are these typos?
Thats what I thought, cuz all the NSX'S here are selling for around 40grand. How do these people pull of the scams, they dont have the car or it has been in an accident?
Thats what I thought, cuz all the NSX'S here are selling for around 40grand. How do these people pull of the scams, they dont have the car or it has been in an accident?

Don't know, but my guess would be something like:
'The bank has the title and I still owe $30,000. I will sell it at a loss because I need the money today, but I need you to front me the 30k to get the title'

I'm curious what the scam is though. Are any of them local to you?
I mean who really cares; they are liars, we know it and hopefully someone will "chunk them" for it when they catch them. If someone thinks they can get an NSX for 10K, they have way to many issues for us to worry about.
nah, i emailed the guy to find out just for fun, he says he is moving back to greece and that the car is in florida. What a douchebag.
Hahaha, here is another guy, this is funny stuff. Read what he sent me:


Thank you for your reply. The odometer is in miles, the car was imported in Canada from US, I am a private seller.
First of all I must inform you that currently I am in Italy, Europe and I have to let you know that the 2002 Acura NSX-T is here with me and it is in a perfect condition.
When I brought the car here, I tried to register it, but when I found that the import and register taxes are very high, I was very disappointed, because I love this car and now I am forced to sell it. I can't sell it here in Italy or in Europe, because it has US specifications.
If you are really interested we can work something on this, so I can send it to you for you to purchase it.


I think he is selling it for like 10-15grand. MAJOR CON ARTISTS, BEWARE EVERYONE.
Hahaha, here is another guy, this is funny stuff. Read what he sent me:


Thank you for your reply. The odometer is in miles, the car was imported in Canada from US, I am a private seller.
First of all I must inform you that currently I am in Italy, Europe and I have to let you know that the 2002 Acura NSX-T is here with me and it is in a perfect condition.
When I brought the car here, I tried to register it, but when I found that the import and register taxes are very high, I was very disappointed, because I love this car and now I am forced to sell it. I can't sell it here in Italy or in Europe, because it has US specifications.
If you are really interested we can work something on this, so I can send it to you for you to purchase it.


I think he is selling it for like 10-15grand. MAJOR CON ARTISTS, BEWARE EVERYONE.

maybe you should send a reply back saying you will send him a check for 25k and tell him to take an extra 3 grand on top of his asking price for his troubles and send back the difference in cash. then ask to send the car after he sends the cash, make sure you let him know you want the cash first and you trust him to send the car later.
i must be slow tonight but i dont get it lol
If you didn't get it...then I will send you a check for 4 grand tomorrow. I'm in a wheelchair and can't make it to the bank. It's on the second level and it doesn't have an elevator. But can you do me this one favor. If I send you a check, can you cash it for me. U can keep $200 for your troubles and being a nice guy. Just Western Union the remaining $3800 grand back to me. :biggrin:

What is your address?

Thanks again.
Buying sight unseen online when the car is overseas is asking for headaches. This sounds like many of the eBay car scams, and I do alot of business on eBay (buying and selling). Becareful.