actually it turns out my alternator has problems, so i'm ordering the polished one from SoS. I had an issue a long while back when i installed an amplifier where the subwoofer wouldn't work. i had narrowed it down to the alternator, battery, or my install. i figured it was me since i had never had any sort of electrical problem before this. so before killing myself on polishing, i decided i might as well take it down to autozone and have it checked out. the diode light kept coming on on the machine, so there we are.
as far as polishing goes, i cant see how anyone can do this with a dremmel and get it down to a smooth finish. i posted my frustrations and problems with doing this in another thread. i certainly managed to get it shiny, but it was a rough metal shiny. still, much better than it looked when i started. so if you're going to do this, i'd say adjust your expectations of the final product. if you want something chrome looking, forget it, buy the SoS one for $250, if you'll settle for rough and shiny, go for it. as far as putting it back in, it looks pretty simple, i just need to guess at the belt tension. ill probably drive it by a shop after i'm done just to have them check the tension.