What's the silver box up under pass. footwell?

17 September 2002
I'm getting ready to change the amp for the sub/center speaker in my 1991 and I started snooping around so see what I'm getting into and I notice a four in square metal box with some wires plugged into it up under my glove box. Now this wouldn't have raised suspicions except for the fact that I have near it a wire cluster with a plug just hanging there. with no where to go it appears. Is this box some sort of aftermarket item or something oem? If oem, then what's my plug that's hanging there for?
thats the flux capacitor... j/k :biggrin:
MiamieNeSeX said:
Keyless entry


So does that explain the plug that's hanging there? As in, if there were no keyless, that would be plugged into the wire harness that's in the box?
D'Ecosse said:
A picture would sure help .......
What colour is the plug?

I believe the plug was green. I'll shoot some pics once I get into the job, I'm being lazy and the amp hasn't acted up for a week or so and it's still working. This will be my "project to do during winter."