Whats the RPM at 60 mph on 5th for 91-96 NSX's?

17 April 2001
Well, getting through this ding on my rear bumper. THanks for all the support..

On another note, whats the RPM on 5th gear at 60 mph? I got mine at 2500 RPM. I remember it supposed to be a bit lower...Is this right?
Originally posted by Redeye:
Just wanted to check if the previous owner put anything in the gearing before I bought it...

You wouldn't be able to tell whether or not you have short gears that way, since fifth gear is the same with either gearset. However, it appears that you have the stock R&P.

If you want to know whether you have the short gears, accelerate to redline (8000 RPM) in first gear, hold your speed (should be around 45 mph), and upshift to second at that speed. If the revs drop to around 4500 RPM, you have the stock gears; if they're around 5100 RPM, you have the short gears.
At 120 km/hour (74.58 mph)in 5th my engine is running exactly 3000 rpm. So that would be 2500 rpm at 100 km/hour and 2414 rpm at 60 mph.
Just wish I could reach 8000 rpm in 5th gear. Would be doing exactly 320 km/u which happens to be the last digits on my speedo as well. So far, I haven't been able to do more than 7000 rpm in 5th