What's the deal with this NSX

The car looks real nice in the pictures, and the wheels aren't horrible.
I'm not too far from that car.
The wing is atrocious. The wheels I could live with, they're not "too" blingy. Chrome is always iffy, but these at least have the expensive rivet look. That wing has GOT to go, tho.
If everything checks out on the car and its clean, you might have a nice car for a good price on your hands. The wing and wheels are bolt on - look beyond them - easy fix - replace them once the car is yours. The good news about them being on there now, while this buyer is trying to sell, is that those mods might turn people away, thereby giving you a better chance at the deal.
there is no way there is 30k in that car...unless they are talking about repairs.......the rims and wing has to go........
Coming from someone who has almost everything Comptech on my car (except for the racing clutch), I too find it hard to believe that $30,000 went into the car. Paint jobs can cost plenty, but this guy claims that thousand were spent on suspension and engine? There's not even a supercharger. The car looks pretty good to me though. (By the by, I have a factory spoiler if you're looking for one.) Good luck!
The wings west front lip doesn't line up right with the lower bumper and the passenger side appears to be sagging. The rear wings got to go. Up in the air about the rims, the shapes not bad but can't stand chrome. I agree with the others 30K in mods...where...I don't see it???
KBB has it at $55K or so for private sale. With mods, it seems like a good deal to me. I wonder if they have the original items (wing, wheels, etc?)

I also wonder what they did to the suspension and engine given their comment "thousands on suspension and engine". Anyone going to call them and report back :wink:

If it has been on there a few times with no interest and you want the car, I would say that now would be a great time to strike while the interest in the car is low. I would call and find out about the total mods list, and they start negotiation from there with, 'I know this car has been on Ebay three times with no bids, I will buy it now and take it off your hands for $XX,XXX,' and see what happens. I bought a BMW M3 like that a couple of years ago. I told the guy (who was in Texas) that I would offer him $XX,XXX for the car and fly down within 24 hours if he would sell it, and that he only had 20 minutes to decide because after that I was not interested. Guess what?? He sold it for the $6,500 below asking price that I offered him. ;)
ediddynsx said:
there is no way there is 30k in that car...unless they are talking about repairs.......the rims and wing has to go........

Because of that 30K statement it may lead buyers to believe that the seller is dishonest.
Cars looks pretty damn clean; don't like the rear spoiler and the wheels are little to Blingy for me, but otherwise the car looks good.
The owner of that shop is a total prick. When my father and I stopped by to look at a Z8 he had for sale last year, he walked out of the back looking like he'd been up snorting coke all night and yelled at my Dad for not wanting to make a deal on a car he'd never driven. I'm pretty sure we pulled up to the shop in a 360 Spider too. Stay far away.