What's going on in New Jersey???

29 April 2002
The Great NorthEast
Hello out there!!! Any of you guys travel on Route 80 through New Jersey? They have increased the number of speed enforcment constabulary to an astronomical number. I will count anywhere from 8 to 12 troopers within 20 miles. What frightents me the most is that my valentine 1 is not picking anything up....any body know what's going on?
calling darcon. this is pustular. come, in over.

uh, i was out there today, they were very busy...
end o month stuff now, but i think gov corizine
wants to fluff his budget.
lasers are in use allbeit in small numbers by the njsp.

warren cty[dwg to rt 206] is patrolled by the hope squad.
they tagged me on a pace ticket last year:rolleyes:
they bag all the east bounders shootn' to nyc[ usually drug mules...]
good group of patrolmen...:biggrin:

be very careful! words like "enforcment constabulary"
give us the spins.
Re: calling darcon. this is pustular. come, in over.

Yeah I got tagged on a pace myself last year going into NYC...(No I wasn't running drugs)...but this is much more than end of the month quotas. They are everywhere, everyday. I got stopped twice bythe same cop within 3 days...can ya believe he didn'trecognize me the 2nd time?....I was in different cars but DAMN...UHH Imean DARN! I got outta the 1st one but accepted the 2nbd with as much grace as I could muster. Iwas worried because my laser detector was not picking up any indication at all....and that is frightening!!!! I thought they had changed some aspect of their enforcement methodology. If any one out there has more info tooffer I would genuinely appreciate hearing from you. Summer is coming and the NSX is about to hit the streets again. I put 96,900 miles on a car driving route 80 in a year and a half....and I CAN'T DRIVE 55:eek:
I have been seeing more and more troopers lately on Rt. 80 as I go to NYC last least once a month. I have seen them lined up 4-5 in a row waiting for racers. At least half a dozen of motorists get pulled over on every trip I make into NYC, that's one way. imagine the revenue they generate.
Im sure it had nothing to do with this also

In race with police cruiser, Lamborghini takes it
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Star-Ledger Staff
The standard-issue Crown Victoria cruiser was no match for the 2006 Lamborghini.

Once the famed Italian sports car got above 100 mph as it fled from North Brunswick police on Route 1 north early yesterday, the officer broke off the chase.

But the V-10 Gallardo, which doesn't get great mileage, was apparently low on gas when the chase began, and the driver needed to make a pit stop to refuel.

That's when Edison police farther up the road caught the speeder.

Gianluca Siciliano, 38, of Torino, Italy, was arrested at an Edison service station on Amboy Avenue. He was charged with eluding police.

Police said Siciliano told them he was a representative of Lamborghini, the elite automaker based in Italy. A Lamborghini spokesman could not be reached yesterday.

Deputy Police Chief Don Conry said an officer using radar originally clocked Siciliano going 85 mph on Route 1 near Livingston Avenue in the northern end of the township.

"The officer pursued, accelerating to 100 mph, and saw the Lamborghini was rapidly pulling away from him," Conry said.

North Brunswick broadcast a description of the $175,000 sports car with Massachusetts plates. Edison police spotted it seven minutes later at 1:37 a.m., and Siciliano was arrested.

He was being held in the Middlesex County Adult Correction Center in North Brunswick. Bail was set at $10,000.

The Gallardo has a top speed of 196 mph, according to the automaker's Web site, but its 520-horsepower engine gets only 17 mpg highway, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. North Brunswick police use Ford Crown Victorias as their cruisers, which have standard engines, Conry said.

The state Attorney General has guidelines for high-speed chases that call for police to end pursuits when the speed creates a substantial risk to the officer or others, depending on the road conditions, the location, and the likelihood of catching the fleeing driver at another time, the deputy chief said.

Yesterday's chase "lasted probably seconds," Conry said.

"It became obvious that he (the officer) wasn't going to catch the car. The risk to the officer and the driver wasn't worth it. It was only for a speeding ticket," Conry said, "and as it turned out, we were able to catch the driver."
Make sure your Valentine One has X band turned on because that is used in New Jersey.

Go here an type in your serial number to make sure you have the latest V1:


Go to this link to read about another V1 owner that had this same problem in New Jersey:


Interesting information on which speed devices are used in New Jersey:


There have been many disputes about what bands of radar that the NJ State Police use. Well I went straight to the horse's mouth and emailed them about a month ago. I found this response in my mailbox today:

I am Sgt. Stephen Ritter of the Research and Anaylsis Unit of the New
Jersey State Police (NJSP). I am in receipt of your e-mail that you
sent to the State of New Jersey in reference to radar units.

Currently there are three unit being used by the NJSP to measure the
speeds of motor vehicles. The MPH K-55 (X band) is the main unit used and is in every marked unit that is assigned to a road station. The LTI Marksman 20/20 is another unit used which as you know has laser technology. The third unit used is also a laser unit and is the LTI Ultra Light.

We are looking into other radar units at the time. They are MPH Bee III (POP Ka) and Stalker units which are both directional radar using K band and are
digital. After testing both of these units I can see that they are well
suited for the type of work we do. The process of changing over is a
monumental task and should take about a year or two.

Thanks for your e-mail and if I can be of any other assistance you can
contact me. You have my e-mail from this communication and all my other
info is listed below.

Sgt. Stephen L. Ritter #5509
Research & Analysis
609-882-2000 Ext. 2237

Other links:



