What's better? Supporting TOMs business model or just donating your old stuff

It's a huge inside joke within the fashion industry. It's like a one-upper of who can make the most hideous shoes and still get away with it.

The first salvo was fired by Crocs or Uggs, I can't remember. Then Vibram said, F this, I'll take this shiznoz to the next level. Then Toms came out and said, screw all of you, take this!
If you think Toms are the worst you surely haven't seen Creepers or Doc Martens. By far the two most hideous fashionable shoes to date. They are such big hits amongst the "Hipsters"
Tom's shoes are not new in terms of style. These were available back in the 1960s as well. His is a positive marketing statement that with a purchase you are supporting a good cause.

In fact, others are following similar marketing strategies. Read about the new strat-up Sevenly and its mission.
Maybe they can be worn with this new horrible fashion fad that is coming out:

Drop crotch skinny jeans. Where is the throw up emoticon?

My female co worker roles in these and they are absolutely hideous.

There is a time and place for any style of shoe to be worn. I personally hate TOMS shoes but they look good in a beach environment & love TOMS "One for One" campaign.

I'm assuming most donate their worn shoes. Interesting thread :wink:
My wife loves TOMs and has been wearing them for years. But she has a very casual style of dress most of the time so it suits her. Comfortable, easy to slip on/off, plus a feel-good message = win for her. I don't mind.