what year is this vehicle?

8 September 2005
Atlanta, Georgia, United States
I wan recently at a "car gathering" wont call it a car show , just a local meet at the first of every month....

anyway there was a kaiser silver NSX there-- very nice car! but the owner new CRAP about it-- when i asked what year it was he said "2001, no wait 99,, it might be a 00 , i dont know ive had three so far and i get them mixed up!"

yeah right, ive had over 20 cars in my life and i can tell you what year every one was along with color as well as auto or 5 spd...

i eventually saw the door jam and it read 7/'99 for year....

so here is the question , for an NSX is this a 99 or 00 car.......
here is because of its late make in 1999 i would assume it would be considered a 2000, but the reason i think its considered a 1999.......

no perforated leather!

if this is the case-- what year is the car?
It's a 99.

One easy way to know is the leather, but for future reference look at the VIN #. The 10th digit will allow you to know and the other not quite so obvious way is that the VIN # will be very low if it is an Early 2000 vs high (i.e. #250 or so) if it is a late 99 (this applies to any year if you do not count the first few years that had high production).