What would you have done differently?

17 September 2004
I'm curious getting input from people. Looking back at your 20's what would you do differently? I hear people say that they wish they had partied more, but I also hear people say that they wish they had worked harder and been more focused.

Right now I just turned 24, I'm heavily vested in and work for a start-up and save a lot of money. But I'm sort of a work a holic and never take any vacation .

If you had to do your 20s all over again, what would you do differently?

I'm also looking at the london school of business in about 3 years, any opinions from people that have their MBA? (worthwhile not worthwhile?)
I am practically on my own since 14. As such I have to work my ass off every day to make ends meet. At that age, I wish I finished my education needs so I can concentrate on having fun more now. I am 31 now, comfortable with my job but I feel that I have to catch up on my edumakation. With work, family, drives, and nsx meetings....I am having a really hard time concentrating on my school work.
I moved out of my parent's house at 19 years old (2400 miles away), had plenty of parties and whatnot for 5 years, then decided to go to college at 24. I was a late bloomer as far as education goes, but I feel that I was a much better student after I got everything out of my system. I ended up going much farther with my education than I ever dreamed.

I've lived my whole life so far by "playing it by ear," and I have no regrets. :)
I would not change a thing. If it is any consolation I worked my ass off through my 20's and it sure is paying off now. It will be worth it just keep your eye on the goal. I also did my fair share of partying too. :D
If I had to do it over again, I would have picked schooling specific to my current profession. As it is, I did much better in life than I could have hoped for.
I have no regrets. The only thing I may have done better is less partying and more focus on education. However, as things turned out, I am doing quite well anyway.

I did get an MBA, and I enjoyed a few classes in the UK with professors from the London School of Business as part of that experience.

The difference in the amount of money and opportunities associated with a MBA compared to just a regular Bachelor degree is incredible, from my point of view. I highly recommend it, if you are not making too much money now and have the desire.
The only regret I have is dropping out of college when I was 20 and going into business with my brother installing underground irrigation systems. First mistake, dropping out of college. Second mistake, going into business with a family member.

I lost alot of time and money. Fortunately, I did go back and complete my education.

I also would have waited longer before my wife and I started having kids. We had 2 kids by the time I was 23 so I was trying to raise the kids and work my way through school at the same time. I think I would have enjoyed them more and had more patience if I had waited about 8 - 10 more years.
No one ever lies on his or her death bed and says, "I wish I had worked more."

Have plenty of fun but not to the extent that it screws up your future.
fugaziman said:
Right now I just turned 24, I'm heavily vested in and work for a start-up and save a lot of money. But I'm sort of a work a holic and never take any vacation .

When you are young - you have the energy to play but no time.
When you are old you have the time - but no energy.

Even if it's a short one.
I most certainly would've gone to college. I really regret that now. I am a very dedicated employee and don't hardly take time off, even when I should because I am a vital part of my job.
I make really good money for not having a college education but wish that I had chosen a different profession.
I wonder if it is too late to go back to school??? :confused:
92NSX said:
I wonder if it is too late to go back to school??? :confused:

I have a friend who had a guy in her medical school that decided he wanted to become a doctor. He was practicing law at the time and he was in his 50's. So to answer your question, I say "apparently not." :cool:

Back to the topic, I really can't think of anything major I would change in my 20's. I can tell you thought that I was a little more adventurous in spirit back then. When I decided I wanted to do something, I'd pursue it with adamant determination. Now that I'm in my 30's and a little more rooted, I'm inclined to be more conservative in my approach at life. Not by much though........:D
I think the one major thing I would have done differently is invest in real estate as early as financially feasible, because housing prices suck right now! And if done properly, you can use the appreciation in your investment to help pay for your MBA.
all i can say after reading this forum is:

"There is a will, there is a way."

never have doubt about yourself. we learn from things as we experience, that includes both the bad and good, trail and error.
You may also want to consider getting a JD (Juris Doctorate, i.e. law degree) as opposed to an MBA. I think they are a bit more versatile myself, and can be used in a variety of ways. You can't really go wrong with either one, but MBAs are a lot more common than they used to be. Then again, so are JDs.