What would you do ?

What would you have done if it was you there sitting in your NSX ?

  • Just what the PT Cruiser driver did.

    Votes: 2 7.1%
  • Wait for him to be in front/rear of me, then pin him down against other cars.

    Votes: 20 71.4%
  • Gotten out, tell him to meet my lawyers Mr. Smith and Wesson 357

    Votes: 5 17.9%
  • Ran out of the car, call for Police

    Votes: 1 3.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
27 June 2003
I want to believe that in most circumstances, I will act in a reasonable matter and without emotion. After seeing this video, I'm speechless and have no clue how I would react if I were in this woman's shoes (blue PT cruiser driver). How about you ?

EDIT: new link should work now (dunno for how long)
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Run him down with the car would be my initial reaction if escape wasn't an option. :eek:
That would be my first reaction but it would have to depend on who was with me and if I had any weapons around. I've been around, actually grew up with, people like this and the only thing they understand is respect by or from force. You can't be nice to them, you can't solve their problems, and you can't reason with them. But you can negate their ability to harm you and they respect that.
I think I would have solved his problem with the larger weapon (the car). :mad:
That is painful to watch. I am sure that woman was in shock.
Being in the car or in a car nearby, I would have used deadly force. If the guy is capable of doing this then who knows what he will do next an to whom, maybe my mom, sister or wife. It pissed me off that not one person seemed to want to help. If I saw a man beating on a womans car for no apparent reason then I would not hesitate to intervene. I have been in this situation before so I do know how I would react. I agree with the above post, there is no reasoning with this type of person. Put a pistol in his face and give him the option. :mad: :mad: :mad:
Luckily I have yet to find myself in a situation like that and pray that I won't ever. However, knowing myself and my fight or flight response, I would prob. react offensively. Seeing people like this from Baltimore when grew up in Maryland, I too know that there is no reasoning with them. I would most likely have grabbed anything I could and gone after the man myself. There is no telling if there could have been children in the car or elderly. I would never want my family to have to face something like that, nor would I want anyone elses. It's a shame that things like this happen but if I could do something to prevent or stop it, I by all means will.

WOW :eek: that was the most rediculous thing ive ever seen. also a very awkward moment because the guy sitting next to me in the library was looking over my shoulder to uninvitedly watch the video, but anywho. Id be freaked out. If i didnt have another better than a crow bar id stay in the car. now sense in mixing my blood with my car parts on the ground, but id probably do what i could to run him over.
Wow, that is sad. Honestly, I wouldn't have waited to get of of the car. The Glock would have been pulled out without exiting the car. it would have been a warning shot at first, but if the moron continued, I value my life more than his.
Run his crazy AS* over. I would not however get out of the car. He might connect....
Being in LA when stuff like that happened during the rioting, man it's crazy to witness. It happens so fast people are just shocked by the initial attack. Most that I saw just gunned their cars and got out of the situation.
what a fool... too bad the PT cruiser didn't run this scum over.

hopefully this video will put him in jail for a while... its quite sure that these guys aren't very smart. I doubt he'll have the cash to get plastic surgery to disguise his face. Its probably all over the internet by now.
kenjiMR said:
what a fool... too bad the PT cruiser didn't run this scum over.

hopefully this video will put him in jail for a while... its quite sure that these guys aren't very smart. I doubt he'll have the cash to get plastic surgery to disguise his face. Its probably all over the internet by now.

Death to this sad human would be the only reasonable end to an awful existence! If I had been the driver I would have definitely run his ignorant sole over or if I had witnessed him hurting the driver I would have got involved. Hopefully the police see the video if so, they will find him. I just hope they put him in jail were he belongs!

I have never been a fan of the PT Cruiser but that video was disturbing to watch :mad:
If I was alone in my car I would escape and then call the cops.

If I had my wife or family in my car, I would run this mofo over. My family's safety is top priority.

Human beings sometimes, unfortunately, are worse than animals when it comes to savagery.

Read some shocking stories of the worst humans (if you can call them that) in these profiles of death row inmates ...

This is why you can never take your safety for granted.

You must always be ready to defend yourself and your loved ones, no matter where you live.
common sense should ALWAYS pervail in a situation like this..
I understand and appreciate that this scumbag deserves a beating or worse. If it were my X he was doing this to, it would intensify my feelings that much more..


if anyone on this forum has a CCW, you were required to complete a safety and awareness class where they specifically teach you that use of deadly force is only a last resort when the following conditions are met.

"imminent jeopardy" defined as immediate risk of death or grave bodily injury to your person or immediate company..

all options must be exhausted including escaping like the motorist in the video was trying to do and eventually succeeded at and combat using equal force.

it is NEVER justified to use deadly force or brandish a firearm to protect personal property except in your home where the intruder has a weapon.

this scenario is a tough call.. the perp was armed with a crowbar but at the same time was only causing damage to the vehicle.. he never attempted to attack the driver... if it were me, I would've attempt to escape like the motorist did initially.. after the first 2 attempts or so, I would've exited the car and quickly backed away from him all the while informing him in a very loud and clear voice that I had a firearm and would use it if he approached me..

If my family or any child was in the car.. I would've immediately exited the vehicle and pointed my gun at him with the full intent of shooting him...

As a CCW carrier in Nevada, I take a quick minute and pray to god that I will not have to draw or use my weapon and to give me the courage to do it right if needed as I put it in my holster...

Ultimately, a car is just that and can be fixed or replaced... knowing that you took someone's life is something that you will have to deal with for as long as you live.... In the end, you will come to the realization that you shot this man for a "car".. not something that I would ever want to deal with.

Be safe everyone...
As I'm typing this post, I am uploading a copy to a server I have access. It should work now. I apologize for the inconvenience...
I would give him some government cheese, help him sign up for welfare and free dental care, lord knows he needs it. His premise was correct, no one did anything to stop him.

This is a very good example why I DO NOT live in a big city. As all that attended NSXPO now know upstate NY is a beautiful peaceful place with nearly ZERO crime and NO assholes like the one on this clip. So the answer as to what I would do...not be in the situation in the first place. Not that the lady deserved it, rather she should expect it living in a large city. Why do I feel this happened in a big city? Because I grew up in a small town and nothing even remotely close to something of this nature has happened here in the 38 years I have been alive. I hear or see some act similar to this one everyday on the news, 99.9% of the time it happened in a large city.
I have no audio, but yeah, who was filming and why did no one help/call the police? (I mean help in stopping the idiot not in damaging property ;))