What would cause this ?

19 June 2003
I recently posted an ad for some of the NSX items I had for sale on a Honda/Acura forum -- well actually I posted the ad on the wrong forum (non classifieds) by mistake. Although it was not intentional, it was my mistake. However, I couldn't believe how rude a few people got. One went as far as saying that the parts were stolen! Frankly, I'm just a little bit dissappointed. I've always thought that this "online community" is a place where we can all learn and share our interests together, not one where we use to harass others for their mistakes.

The complaints you received seem rather rude. I think that since online forums provide a great deal of anonymity, some individuals find that this allows them be more inconsiderate than if they were interacting face to face.

Really this is just a hobby people. Its nothing to get uptight about. We all need to relax and enjoy our cars.