What will this smaller pulley do?

maybe only weight reduction because it doesn't have the AC-belt? (If it's that pulley I see.)
The smaller pulley is for the alternator. Billet pulleys are used to reduce horsepower loss from rotating inertial loss. It would be interesting to see what gain if any is possible with these mods.

-- Chris
A lighter pulley will do hardly anything (<1HP). Those are mostly for bling. I'd certainly do many other things before shelling out the bucks for lightened pulleys (ie. light weight wheels, brakes,...).
I've always wondered why there are no underdrive pulleys available for the NSX. It seems like they sell them for just about every other performance car.
saw this as well...

interesting mod I think..
I remember with my M3 they use to rave bout UDP underdrive pulleys.