What to do when someone lists your car for sale on ebay?

Dave, you should report this to ebay.

FYI: I contacted the seller asking if it's his car...
I wrote: Is this YOUR car or are you listing it on the owner's behalf? Thanks.
Andy replied: This is my car. I am not selling it for anyone. Thanks also

It looks like you have things under control. If you'd like me to reply back, PM or email me and I'll be glad to.
Obviously you have your reasons for being sure it is your car, but I find it strange that this guy has almost 300 positive feedbacks. Good luck. If you are trying to catch him, perhaps you may want to ask Lud to delete this thread.

Repost an update after your friend has done some digging.
Good luck.
Sig said:
I find it strange that this guy has almost 300 positive feedbacks.
Yeah, but this guy's been selling $5 coins for all (as far as I can tell) his past auctions. Now he's selling an NSX?!?

Hijacked account is my guess.
Also contact the Grand Rapids, MI Police and District Attorney.
Guys as you can see from the little blue and yellow people icons by his name, the account has recently had the info or user ID changed. Again as Ojas suggested this kinda leads to the hijacked account theory. You don't get that kind of feedback record scamming people, regardless of the item price.
Sig said:
Obviously you have your reasons for being sure it is your car, but I find it strange that this guy has almost 300 positive feedbacks. Good luck. If you are trying to catch him, perhaps you may want to ask Lud to delete this thread.

Repost an update after your friend has done some digging.
Good luck.

Jason, this thief simply stole someone else's ebay username who happens to have over 200 positive feedbacks. I highly doubt it's his own identity since the guy (who actually owns the user name) seems to be a coin dealer (every sale is a collectible coin). If someone is really an NSX enthusiast, as all the mods to NSXinBRLA's NSX would indicate, you'd think the seller would have had at least one other NSX or automotive related sale or purchase among the feedbacks at some point in time. From personal experience, for every mod to my NSX, I usually try to sell the replaced part on EBAY. But from what I can tell, everything is coin related. No other NSX related parts were ever sold by this guy, then out of the blue, he decides to sell the NSX on ebay? Don't think so.
how does he know all your aftermarket setups?
and since its da same pix as your link.. I guess he might be lurking around prime for a while.. and use the resources on prime to his advantage.. Also.. ur bid was cancelled so I guess HE did read this post ..
BostonNSX said:
how does he know all your aftermarket setups?
and since its da same pix as your link.. I guess he might be lurking around prime for a while.. and use the resources on prime to his advantage.. Also.. ur bid was cancelled so I guess HE did read this post ..

Boston. Click on the 1st link in my sig, then look at his ad.
hehe.. funny funny Andy :) Update, he just accused me by email, of hacking his computer and stealing his images. I replied and told him that he was right, and I also obtained some other very important documents, and that he'd better contact the police immediately :)
Date: Sun, 20 Jul 2003 19:44:45 -0700
From: Andy Young <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: eBay

What are you talking about ? Are you trying to blackmail me ? :-) Keep your
money and stay away from other people's computers in the future, that is
called hacking and is illegal in US :-) right ? I don't want your money, I
am upset because you keep threatning me for nothing. Only if you were nice
... sweet words are working here ... no leave me alone ... I will take the
car out of eBay when you will ask me nicely. And BTW: eBay DOES NOT have
phone contact so please don't think I am stupid. You have done more illegal
things than me so I think we will split the same cell. :-)

Have a nice day.

Oh great.. his email is really entertaining...
and I just clicked your like... everything is the same as the eBay ad... I personally want to see how this Andy Young is like.