What the heck is the NSX 2.0? Supercar, exotic, pure sex, da Shit, genders?

23 February 2003
San Francisco
It finally came and it looks to be a winner. Nice price tag too. Please argue away if it is a "supercar". Be sure to make some passionate comments to make yourself stupid or less stupid. Collar grapping style makes very compelling "definition" of the word.
Is it "pure sex"? I don't think so as I had some ordinary ones and no car has ever given me anything remotely resembles that.
Is it sexy? Hell no! I closely examined all the pictures and particularly the ones without the 'clothes" on. I tried to find some pics of the underside but they are not available. I even turned the monitor upside down to try finding some sexy angles but not once I was even tiny bit aroused. The tail pipes also sit too low for any potential actions. In fact, I have NEVER found anything sexy about a car. Motel 6 is sexier.
Is it a he or a she? I would want to think of it as a "she' as I would like to shamelessly play with her. But the car looks too muscular and androgenous, "she" would be a juiced up body builder with a hypertrophied @$%&. So it is not a "she"!
So it is a "he" then! Thank God, it does not have a stick!
Is it "sick"? It looks pretty healthy to me.
Discuss away, boys!
Lol all i can say Steve is I hope it has a hid kit.....:tongue:...btw it has 4 rear pipes imagine how sexy that could be...It was designed by a woman so it likely is some imaginary dude.
OK, I'll bite.

It may qualify as a "supercar", but certainly is NOT an exotic (in the same way the R8 and GT-R aren't exotic). It is afterall just an Acura. Neither the price, nor the marque qualify it as exotic.
What considers as a "supercar"? Does it have to be 450 horsepower and up, or minimum 500hpw and above?
I have tried to convince myself to mate with her, but I looked at her from all angles..... left, right, front and back over and over. She is not that special at all.