What the heck happened to the National Park Service page?


Legendary Member
3 February 2000
I used this site all the time... It was an excellent resource... and now:


What the heck??? This is ridiculous. Does anyone know what is going on and who is in charge?
Originally posted by Lud:
I used this site all the time... It was an excellent resource... and now:

What the heck??? This is ridiculous. Does anyone know what is going on and who is in charge?

Unfortunately they are affected by the shutdown of the Department of the Interior web sites by court order. Supposedly only two out of the hundreds of sites under their control are allowed to remain operational. Now, here's the strange part: this court order stems from a lawsuit over the mis-management of the American Indian Fund. Apparently someone was able to hack one of the sites gaining access to information about the fund or something.

Andrew Henderson
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I just spent about an hour reading dozens of reports and court documents. This is absolutely disgusting. I don't even know where to begin or end being angry.

The "Honorable" Gale Norton, Secretary of the Interior Deptartment, is pretty obviously responsible for considerable abuse of public funds and systems, complete disregard for securing the Indian trust accounts, gross incompetence in having to shut down ALL of their systems to protect one set of data covered by the court order, and of course lying to, deceiving and filing false reports to a federal judge...

How is Norton still walking around a free woman, much less still in charge of the Department of the Interior? She belongs in prison. What a complete disgrace.

[This message has been edited by Lud (edited 18 December 2001).]
Their sites are STILL down. The level of incompetence is simply shocking. The only thing available is some information about and speeches by Secretary Gale Norton. One of the press blurbs says how great it is that she is the first woman to head the 150+ year old department. Yeah, real bang-up job so far Gale, I'm sure womens advocacy groups are rushing to add you to their list of great women in government.
That is awesome, thanks for the note. The NPS site is the one I personally use all the time and it is part of the 40% that is back online.