What the F--k is going on here?

15 January 2003
Rye Brook, NY, USA
I was on the phone (some of us older guys still even use "land lines") last evening with a fellow Prime Member, and inevitably the conversation moved to the fact that there are many "new" members (not a bad thing) that just like to "stir" things up (not necessarily a good thing). Many threads rapidly deteriorate into name calling, and worse. I've been here for a few years and recently it has gotten ugly. This is a public forum, but we're all guests here. Some of the "older" members (not age wise, but length of time on the forum), that have contributed regularly, and been great helps to many "noobies", are regularly dropping off the scene, it would be a tragedy to let this continue. Many owners have benefitted greatly by the willingness of one of the "Senior Members" willingness to go out of their way, spend their time and expertise to assist someone that they've never met. Yes alot of early, high mileage NSX are beginning to become available at very reasonable prices and entry to this great car is now achievable by a much larger population. Diversity is usually a good thing, but sometimes the "culture" of the previous participants moves in a different direction, not necessarily "wrong", but different. When you first come to "Prime" and "ownership", maybe you should post less, and observe more. It almost seems like maybe Lud should put a "probationary" period in place. I know that certain people have been "ejected" in the past, maybe we can avoid that by being a little bit more considerate, respectfull, and yes....mature.
I certainly have been guilty of breaking the law, and yes I was singled out (in my opinion, unfairly so), but I was speeding (and other cars were blowing past me), but the "yellow sports car" is an attractive target. If the PBA card I had with me was current, the officer would have let me off (my fault for not having a current one ), I hired a lawyer (first speeding ticket in over 20 years), had the charge and points reduced (not dismissed), paid my fine and attorney's fee, end of story. Some people need to take responsibility for their actions and stop blaming others. I apologize for being long winded, and "preaching", but this shit is just making me sick.

Roger,this younger culture has no problem with airing every personal detail on the internet,heck they grew up with this technology.I too get anoyed with the ever increasing you-tube like silly posts,and the nonsense that follows,but heck Thats why I go to xpo every year,because that reminds me how awesome many of us are and how much this community has given to each other,so I weed through the crap,and post less,but I'm still here.I could just spend all day posting search results for newbies and some not so new :rolleyes:
Dood, it is called "changing demographics"

It comes with the lower entry cost. It is an unfortunate and politically incorrect fact of life.

I find that very few current NSX'ers are de/re-engineering their cars anymore, at least when compared to 5 years ago.

Old and busted: Increase the Knowledge Base, DIY's or developing new products/procedures.

The new hotness: how big my wheels are, how low can I go and I spanked some car that cost $500K beating him to a parking space.


It is too bad that the NSX is such a neat feat of engineering, there is nothing else like it at any price. Still, it might be time to bump to Ford GT or a F430/F360 (nowhere near as reliable or practible)
First; In no way did I feel this thread was directed towards me, but it kinda' bothered me to think the "old" prime members are set in their ways and not open to change. If everyone was like this I guess we'd still have slaves.:redface: :frown:

RPM217 said:
What the F--k is going on here?

I certainly have been guilty of breaking the law, and yes I was singled out (in my opinion, unfairly so), but I was speeding (and other cars were blowing past me), but the "yellow sports car" is an attractive target. If the PBA card I had with me was current, the officer would have let me off (my fault for not having a current one ), I hired a lawyer (first speeding ticket in over 20 years), had the charge and points reduced (not dismissed), paid my fine and attorney's fee, end of story. Some people need to take responsibility for their actions and stop blaming others. I apologize for being long winded, and "preaching", but this shit is just making me sick.

Second; Call me what ya' want BUT...Is it just me or is this paragraph a contradiction? YOU DIDN'T take responsibility for your actions (speeding), you had the charge reduced, thus meaning you got something less then what YOU ACTUALLY DID DO. They singled you out because your a yellow sports car:rolleyes:, or maybe it was because you may have been going faster then everyone else. I DON'T KNOW THE CIRCUMSTANCES... BUT THATS BESIDES THE POINT! And the title of this thread, surely you could have done better:frown:

BLUF; Bottom Line Up Front
People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.:wink:

And jus' to end this on a sidebar note and hope you didn't take this too personal...:biggrin:
People who live in glass houses also shouldn't change in front of the windows
(posting on the internet is kinda' like your glass window, everyone can see):wink:

I do somewhat agree about people not searching or stirring crap, but ignore them...or as you said, "GROW UP!" There's always one or two out there who just wanna' stir the pot.

So are you saying that we need to gentrify the NSX Prime neighborhood. Or just move to a more upscale neighborhood to avoid the riff-raff. Seems just like housing, a certain class of person is expected in the area and when those who are less than can move in, the originals move out. Hence, lets go buy an F-car and avoid those folks all together.

Gotta figure that by treating each other with dignity and respect that this neighborhood should be just fine. Diversity can be a good thing. But it takes a bunch of folks to practice what they preach to show the way.....Respectfully.....Steve :smile:
I don't believe that younger people owning an NSX is necessarily a bad thing.
I'm 26 years old, I'm a DIY kind of guy, I come here for knowledge and understanding, and to take advantage of the experience of some older, wiser owners. But I'm also not stupid. And I have the feeling a bit of this was aimed toward me and the little scuffle Rob and I got into in the speeding ticket forum. I'm college educated, I have a good job, and I've also had many experiences in life (for being 26). One of those experiences happened to be in law enforcement. So for somebody that's "been there" to have a different viewpoint, I think is only natural. Then low and behold another guy, that has also been on that side agreed with me. I'm not trying to be disrespectful. But I also refuse to believe that your "member since" date and the number of posts you have made are a good indication of your intelligence level on EVERY SUBJECT.

As far as idiot kids coming in here and saying..."what should I get, an NSX or a Civic type R, or an Evo, or a Corvette".... well obviously they don't get it. They don't have a passion for the NSX, they are just comparing numbers in a magazine they just read. "Hey, is it true an NSX will out handle/ is faster than/ (enter car here)?" Who cares? If you liked NSX's you'd go buy one, regardless of what stupid number you could hang your hat on to your friends.
My buddy has a Corvette, all he talks about is how much more horsepower he has than me. And there isn't a day that goes by that I'm not happy I have an NSX in my garage. I think if ricer kids are going to start coming in here and asking stupid questions about Lambo doors, how big can my wheels get, and what is the biggest sub-woofer I can fit in that car...... then maybe we shouldn't entertain those questions, and just let that thread fall by the wayside.
This thread was NOTdirected to anybody in particular. It was just my observation as to what's I see going on. If you think it's directed towards you as an individual, than maybe my point for posting is actually hitting a chord.!

I think it's senseless but I want to say one thing, when I read your post and the thread title I immediately thought it was written by one of the people you complain about. I don't think using fu*k sh*t etc will improve the situation of threads poping up with questions about what car is better/faster/better handling than the NSX or questions about lambo doors.

NSX is getting older, prices are falling, more people are able to afford one. I for myself enjoy every post about a maybe crazy, new tuning idea started by a newbie, 100 times more than a thread from some well known guy in the forum, driving illegal velocities after getting drunk.

You ask us to grow up, I ask you to work on your tolerance.

I think the forum should be happy about every new user, every new owner and every new, maybe already asked, question about a 15 year old car. This shows how incredible good the NSX is and how it's attractive to so many different people. Some of them just want to increase their knowledge base, some want nice big rims on the car to make it look better in their eyes. I got no problem with both, and you beeing almost three times older than me shouldn't have a problem with that either.

You should be able to sort threads in interesting for me, not interesting for me. Why worry about threads and topics you're not interested in? Leave them apart people will notice if the topic is not welcome/wanted.

About the name calling, I think the unfriendly, negative reception of any new user that asks a question that maybe can be found in a dusty old thread or the faq and the not so gentleman like behaviour of, possibly new, users hold the balance.

Take care
I had quoted another member, NSXaholic, on another thread and at the risk of sounding redundant, his thoughts seem appropiate here, too:

"Everybody is entitled to their opinion, and while we may not necessarily always agree with what our colleagues say, there is a manner and means by which to state our counterpoint politely and with dignity"

Klayton said:

I think it's senseless but I want to say one thing, when I read your post and the thread title I immediately thought it was written by one of the people you complain about. I don't think using fu*k sh*t etc will improve the situation of threads poping up with questions about what car is better/faster/better handling than the NSX or questions about lambo doors.

NSX is getting older, prices are falling, more people are able to afford one. I for myself enjoy every post about a maybe crazy, new tuning idea started by a newbie, 100 times more than a thread from some well known guy in the forum, driving illegal velocities after getting drunk.

You ask us to grow up, I ask you to work on your tolerance.

I think the forum should be happy about every new user, every new owner and every new, maybe already asked, question about a 15 year old car. This shows how incredible good the NSX is and how it's attractive to so many different people. Some of them just want to increase their knowledge base, some want nice big rims on the car to make it look better in their eyes. I got no problem with both, and you beeing almost three times older than me shouldn't have a problem with that either.

You should be able to sort threads in interesting for me, not interesting for me. Why worry about threads and topics you're not interested in? Leave them apart people will notice if the topic is not welcome/wanted.

About the name calling, I think the unfriendly, negative reception of any new user that asks a question that maybe can be found in a dusty old thread or the faq and the not so gentleman like behaviour of, possibly new, users hold the balance.

Take care

well said:wink:

funny thing is, this was suppose to be a thread about not starting crap on Prime, BUT...:tongue:
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I don't think it's as bad as some people think.

It's just bleedover thats expected on a free, public forum. Read some of the really stupid stuff people post on FChat. The real FChat guys are cool people; too bad they have to deal with idots on there who aren't even old enough to drive yet.

I like the way Prime members help "teach" newbies the ropes around here. That's all we have to do. If you see something that just isn't right, point it out, be respectful and provide the right course of action. Together, as a community, we can help foster the positive feelings we have for the NSX with future owners (no matter what their age on Prime).
Fellow Primer's,

well...i have my NSX for 1 year...and i registered in Prime at the same time of purchase....1 year ago.

- but i love the NSX since it got out in 91...

- i don't remember how long ago i first came here....

- i have a very short post count

- i spend my online times finding info on the NSX, how to tune it, whats best, whats not...80% of wich here on prime...i read more than i write..

i think one of the worst thing to do to a noob is to tell him to do a search...that's the same that hitting him with a Ice block... sure he was supposed to search before ask, but he didn't, so who have the knowledge should help him. sometimes search is a pain...it appened to me not to find what i was looking for and a Primer in a matter of minutes gave me a thread that answered my question...

i view Prime as a community of a shared passion: THE NSX..... let's live it ..

PS - ohh.... i'm 32 :wink: (and sorry for anything)
I knew what this thread was about when I saw the title...

Yes, I am a newb. I have only been here for a little less than a year. I'm sure as you can see, the affordability is not why I bought my NSX. I bought mine because I have been lusting after them for 15 years, and finally felt that I have earned the right of ownersip...

I have been lurking on this board nearly a year, and recently in the last month started posting. I myself have noticed a rapid decline in the quality of the posts in the last few months. However, I wouldn't be so quick to judge where that's coming from. I've had a few complaints that all I'm doing is arguing, and I'm not bringing anything positive to the community. I have not STARTED any arguments, nor have I been disrespectful to any members. There are some senior members on here who have just started outright with namecalling before even trying to have a civil discussion. I am a 32yo former police officer who has worked VERY hard to be where I am at in life, and I don't need some *seniored* member on here telling me that I'm *immature* or *stupid* or *childish* just because he's older than I am and I POLITELY disagree with his point of view.

Yes, I started a *kill* thread! I wasn't aware that this community so highly discouraged or frowned upon that. I APOLOGIZED before the thread could turn ugly and that should have been the end of it. I even suggested that the thread be deleted. But then, some seniored members couldn't just let it go and accept my apology. They had to antagonize and start name calling, even AFTER I apologized. I also started a thread for a write-up on wheel/tire warranties. How could anyone expect that to go bad right? It started off as a civil discussion, but turned into an argument only because a *seniored* member disagreed with me. SO just because he's been on this forum longer means that I shouldn't stand my ground when I KNOW I'm right?

Bottom line is this...
Yes, there are alot of newbs on this forum, and Yes there are alot of rediculous questions. I think that the senior members are aware of this and are on the OFFENSIVE trying to *cure* this problem, and it's only making things worse. I'm NOT saying it's only seniored members, because it's definitely NOT. But I think the newbs need to quick being attacked and just have a civil discussion (and some newbs need to quit provoking attacks). What your not seeing, is the daily PM's I'm getting from MOSTLY senior members supporting me, or telling me not to let them get to me. I financially donate to nearly every forum that saves me money. This forum has saved me a ton. Although I have found a TON of great information on this board, I have yet to donate because I've seen people get booted for standing their ground, only because they are newbs.

I enjoy this forum ALOT (my wife says I'm obsessed). I don't like to see it taking the rapid downfall that it is. If we can all just stay civil, treat EVERYONE with a little respect, and QUIT the namecalling, it will pick back up...
RPM217 said:
I was on the phone (some of us older guys still even use "land lines") last evening with a fellow Prime Member, and inevitably the conversation moved to the fact that there are many "new" members (not a bad thing) that just like to "stir" things up (not necessarily a good thing).

Do you really just think it is the "New members"? Or is it also the "Older members" reaction to the new guys?

RPM217 said:
Many threads rapidly deteriorate into name calling, and worse. I've been here for a few years and recently it has gotten ugly. This is a public forum, but we're all guests here. Some of the "older" members (not age wise, but length of time on the forum), that have contributed regularly, and been great helps to many "noobies", are regularly dropping off the scene, it would be a tragedy to let this continue. Many owners have benefitted greatly by the willingness of one of the "Senior Members" willingness to go out of their way, spend their time and expertise to assist someone that they've never met.

You ain't kiddin. Unfortunately- it isn't all "new" members doing the stirring. A lot of what you are seeing comes from both sides- new and old.

I have spent much time reflecting on this issue over the last few days.

I have come up with this: if you are going to degrade the quality of a post with slanted sentiment- go ahead and write it, but send it in a PM. It is ok that people like to argue- sometimes it is entertaining, but when it goes to name calling, and personal attack it stops being worth the read. I don't know about you folks, but I am not really into soap opera / drama

RPM217 said:
Yes alot of early, high mileage NSX are beginning to become available at very reasonable prices and entry to this great car is now achievable by a much larger population.

The thing is- Honda only made a relative few NSX's compared to the rest of the "sport compact" world. It is still a car that many civic / integra/ S2000 ect ect ect owners aspire too. It isn't fair to catagorize the ownership as "declining" because of a drop in price, or because people who are younger are able to make the purchase. these people still work hard, and take pride in their accomplishment. (I think NSX ownership is an accomplishment)

This isn't a problem of age- it is a problem of maturity.

Money, and age don't equal maturity my friends- It doesn't matter how long you have been alive, or how long you have been on a Forum if you can't, or won't monitor your behavior your going to run into trouble.
By monitoring behavior I don't mean just keeping it on topic, I mean knowing when to keep your opinion in check. Too many people don't seem to know when saying nothing is more appropriate.

You might notice- many threads start going hostile when too many posters jump on what I call "the dog pile"

The OP makes a mistake (like speeding) and asks for advice on a legal issue, or fighting the citation, then 5-6 or 7 posters decide to jump in and tell the OP what a jerk he is, or that he should just "take his lumps' and not dodge responsibility since he was guilty...

What use is that dog pile to the topic? here is the typical pattern of escalation...

Once, ok, it is bad to speed

twice, GOT IT!

three times? ok ok, we know- speeding= bad

Four... What new information are you providing?

Five... WTF? Haven't we covered this?

Six? Are you kidding me! Who the hell are YOU?

Seven... Here we go!

The sad thing is some of these piles go 13 or 14 posts deep. And at that point it is just a parrot that has learned to say "a$$hole" over and over again...

In some cases it isn't just speeding- in either event the magic number should be "3".

Ask yourself how many times you like to be reminded of a mistake in front of your peers- cause guess what? THAT is what you are doing!

After 3 posts admonishing a behavior- please have the maturity to either know that the message is out there, or at least send your opinion via PM- that way the rest of us don't have to deal with the fallout.

Remember Peter from Office Space, and all his bosses calling to tell him about the "new cover for the TPS reports"?

If you post after three- your just another Lumberg my friend...

Take care all


Prime Member: 6 years
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H-carWizKid said:
If you post after three- your just another Lumberg my friend...

For the Office Space fans:
Ummm....yeah...I'm going to have to ask you to, uh...well, come in on Sunday.

Good points Philip.

Don't be a Lumberg. He's the devil. :biggrin: :wink:
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I'm with H-carwizkid

This is a forum to properly augment and add value to owning an NSX.

Honestly, there are other places, like MySpace, to express all the opinions you want. Go there to do so.

The reason why NSXPRIME is a really good thing is because it has very good Signal to Noise ratio. The complaint is that the noise is starting to increase geometrically. (The former police officer in the bunch, while holding himself to a higher value, should know that it only takes a few morons to cause a real problem for everybody.)

When posting here you should ask yourself:
1. Does it add value?
2. Is this a good question?
3. Has this been done before?
4. Am I helping?

If your post does not fall within 1-4 then consider it "noise" and go SOMEPLACE ELSE to post. There are plenty of other casual social sites out there that would better suit your needs.


FWIW: Almost, of the really good ideas, the best work and insight are from people who are under 25. It has nothing to do with age, but action!
A certain number of new members, regardless of the cost of entry are going to cause problems. This is true in any population. For every argumentative pain in the ass new member that joins, there are probably 20 or 30 great new car enthusiasts.

The NSX generation is going to continue to get younger. There is no way around that, the cars are getting older and more affordable. I hardly see this as a bad thing. I am one of these younger new members. I would not purchase a new NSX for $80,000+, it would be financial folly for me to do so. Does this mean I am less valuable as a member of the NSX community? I don't think so.

If you are an elitist who owns an NSX only as a status symbol, time to move on. I for one will be glad to see you leave.

To the older owners that are true enthusiasts, please be patient and continue to help the newer members, as you are truly appreciated! We are sorry you have to deal with the few pain in the ass bad apples, please don't give up.
RPM217 said:
I was on the phone (some of us older guys still even use "land lines") last evening with a fellow Prime Member, and inevitably the conversation moved to the fact that there are many "new" members (not a bad thing) that just like to "stir" things up (not necessarily a good thing). Many threads rapidly deteriorate into name calling, and worse. I've been here for a few years and recently it has gotten ugly. This is a public forum, but we're all guests here. Some of the "older" members (not age wise, but length of time on the forum), that have contributed regularly, and been great helps to many "noobies", are regularly dropping off the scene, it would be a tragedy to let this continue. Many owners have benefitted greatly by the willingness of one of the "Senior Members" willingness to go out of their way, spend their time and expertise to assist someone that they've never met. Yes alot of early, high mileage NSX are beginning to become available at very reasonable prices and entry to this great car is now achievable by a much larger population. Diversity is usually a good thing, but sometimes the "culture" of the previous participants moves in a different direction, not necessarily "wrong", but different. When you first come to "Prime" and "ownership", maybe you should post less, and observe more. It almost seems like maybe Lud should put a "probationary" period in place. I know that certain people have been "ejected" in the past, maybe we can avoid that by being a little bit more considerate, respectfull, and yes....mature.
I certainly have been guilty of breaking the law, and yes I was singled out (in my opinion, unfairly so), but I was speeding (and other cars were blowing past me), but the "yellow sports car" is an attractive target. If the PBA card I had with me was current, the officer would have let me off (my fault for not having a current one ), I hired a lawyer (first speeding ticket in over 20 years), had the charge and points reduced (not dismissed), paid my fine and attorney's fee, end of story. Some people need to take responsibility for their actions and stop blaming others. I apologize for being long winded, and "preaching", but this shit is just making me sick.


Ok. So I'm a new guy. Yes I like to stir things up when some people start to annoy me over some issues. So here is the question I have for YOU, Mr. Old Skool..............

What in the world is a PBA card?????? And how do I get one?!?!?!?! :biggrin:
There certainly seems to have been a measurable increase in the lack of civility, name-calling, and downright rudeness in many NSXPRIME threads over the past few months.

I very much doubt any of the individuals engaging in those flame wars would even consider treating each other that way if they met in person. The anonymity of the Internet (in general), and the difficulty of expressing nuances via written rather than spoken words, really seems to contribute to to this problem.

I'd really like to see everyone return to a much more thoughtful, much less adversarial and belligerent demeanor. I don't think it matters whether you're younger or older -- a person of any age can write with civility, courtesy, and respect for others' opinions even when you disagree with that opinion.

You can also completely ignore any thread that seems to be purposely argumentative or provocative -- why give the poster the attention he/she seems to be craving?

Just simply re-reading a response before clicking the Submit Reply button could lead to a calmer, more respectful dialog. Let's all try to exhibit the classiness that we believe our NSX exhibits in the automobile world.