What states have you driven your NSX in?

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Woah... this is a boring map. LOL! And this is across THREE different NSX's!

About 53,000 (mostly desert highway) miles.
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I claim the title -- ALL 48 contiguous states. My definition of "driving in" insists on a minimum of feet on the ground. I have filled up the gas tank, eaten a meal or stayed in nearly all of them. I've probably spent about 4 months on the road on perhaps a dozen different trips to travel in all of them.

I finished up last October with a trip to New England via South Dakota. I had intended to include SD the previous year, however the forest fires in 2009 in Yellowstone National Park closed the north and east entrances. By the time I got far enough east to hit SD I was many hundred miles north of it. This year it was just a slight detour (is any driving in the NSX a detour?) to head north instead of just going through Kansas.

At least 80% of these trips were on 2 lane roads -- why waste the tires on the interstates? It is much more fun -- and fewer cops -- on the "blue highways." I also get a much better feel for differences in different parts of the country. I also like to hit the mom & pop restaurants and off-brand motels, also. There are many more stories to tell of the different experiences this way, in my opinion. (Many overnights were with friends and family.)

I'm curious to see how many others have done this, or even come close. So far it is Greenberet that is the closest.

WOW!!! :cool: Quite impressive. I'll bet there is no one else here who can top or even match your record. Just curious, over what time period did you travel to all the states?
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Let's see, there's California, of course. Then Arizona for NSXPO. Then Oregon for NSXPO. Then Nevada for NSXPO.

I sense a pattern here....

<img src="http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=t&chtm=usa&chs=440x220&chf=bg,s,336699&chco=d0d0d0,cc0000&chd=s:9999&chld=CANVORAZ" width="440" height="220" ><br/>visited 4 states (8%)<br/><a href="http://douweosinga.com/projects/visited?region=usa">Create your own visited map of The United States</a>
<img src="http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=t&chtm=usa&chs=440x220&chf=bg,s,336699&chco=d0d0d0,cc0000&chd=s:99999999&chld=OKTXMOKSILWIAZCA" width="440" height="220" ><br/>visited 8 states (16%)<br/><a href="http://douweosinga.com/projects/visited?region=usa">Create your own visited map of The United States</a>

Not MY NSX- but here are the 8 states that I have driven my Dad's NSXs in.:biggrin:
<img src="http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=t&chtm=usa&chs=440x220&chf=bg,s,336699&chco=d0d0d0,cc0000&chd=s:99999999999&chld=AZCAIDNMNVORTXUTWAWYMT" width="440" height="220" ><br/>visited 11 states (22%)<br/><a href="http://douweosinga.com/projects/visited?region=usa">Create your own visited map of The United States</a>
<img src="http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=t&chtm=usa&chs=440x220&chf=bg,s,336699&chco=d0d0d0,cc0000&chd=s:999999&chld=CAWANVTXAZNM" width="440" height="220" ><br/>visited 6 states (12%)<br/><a href="http://douweosinga.com/projects/visited?region=usa">
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I drove it to Colorado Springs from So California in July 2009, and managed to touch Arizona, Nevada and Utah soil along the way. :smile: Oh, and went to Nevada again for NSXPO in October 2010.


^Utah, July 2009.


^Utah, July 2009.


^Colorado, July 2009.


^Colorado, July 2009.


^Nevada, Oct. 2010.


^Nevada, Oct. 2010.
WOW!!! :cool: Quite impressive. I'll bet there is no one else here who can top or even match your record. Just curious, over what time period did you travel to all the states?

I got my 93 Black NSX in April of 2004 and drove it to New Mexico (in a screaming blizzard) before I even had permanent license plates on it (6 weeks in Colorado.) Each year I take it on at least one long trip -- and sometimes two or even three. Most of these trips are 10 to 35 days long, usually with my wife. Often times, if they are really long, she'll fly out to, say Ohio, and we'll do the east coast from there. She will fly home from, say Virginia. (She is married to both me and her job, not necessarily in that order.) We'll be together for most of the TIME, but I'll be alone for most of the DISTANCE.

It works for us, your experience may vary.

So the answer to your question is about six years for ALL of them, but I've done MOST of them in the past three years.
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<img src="http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=map:fixed=40,-150,75,-50&chs=455x330&chf=bg,s,336699&chco=d0d0d0,cc0000&chd=s:9&chld=CA-AB" width="455" height="330" ><br/>visited 1 states (7.69%)<br/><a href="http://douweosinga.com/projects/visited?region=canada">Create your own visited map of Canada</a>
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I could swear I have driven to more states than this in my NSX...but I only put down the ones I could remember. I have been to at least a dozen more in other cars. Also, I have taken in to Canada many times.

<img src="http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=t&chtm=usa&chs=440x220&chf=bg,s,336699&chco=d0d0d0,cc0000&chd=s:9999999999999999&chld=ILINFLGAKYPANYNCTNOHMIWIMNWVVAMO" width="440" height="220" ><br/>visited 16 states (32%)<br/><a href="http://douweosinga.com/projects/visited?region=usa">Create your own visited map of The United States</a>
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Have'nt driven my NSX in USA, but I did a roundtrip from Denver to LA and back again via Las Vegas in 1999 in a rentalcar.

Where I've driven my NSX:

<img src="http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=map:fixed=-70,-180,80,180&chs=450x300&chf=bg,s,336699&chco=d0d0d0,cc0000&chd=s:99999&chld=NO|SE|DK|DE|NL" width="450" height="300" ><br/>visited 5 states (2.22%)<br/><a href="http://douweosinga.com/projects/visited?region=world">Create your own visited map of The World</a>
<img src="http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=t&chtm=usa&chs=440x220&chf=bg,s,336699&chco=d0d0d0,cc0000&chd=s:999999999999999999999&chld=CODEFLGAILINIAKYMDMIMONENJNYNCWIWVVATNPAOH" width="440" height="220" ><br/>visited 21 states (42%)<br/><a href="http://douweosinga.com/projects/visited?region=usa">Create your own visited map of The United States</a>

<img src="http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=map:fixed=40,-150,75,-50&chs=455x330&chf=bg,s,336699&chco=d0d0d0,cc0000&chd=s:9&chld=CA-ON" width="455" height="330" ><br/>visited 1 province (7.69%)<br/><a href="http://douweosinga.com/projects/visited?region=canada">Create your own visited map of Canada</a>
<img src="http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=t&chtm=usa&chs=440x220&chf=bg,s,336699&chco=d0d0d0,cc0000&chd=s:99999999999999&chld=HIFLALMSLATXNMAZUTNVCANEIACO" width="440" height="220" ><br/>visited 14 states (28%)<br/><a href="http://douweosinga.com/projects/visited?region=usa">Create your own visited map of The United States</a>
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When they created Earth, they actually moved that little state on the bottom far to the left, making it much more difficult to drive to.
