What not to do when you take your top off

19 February 2001
Southern California
Not that kind of top, this kind. Don't try this at home! Found on ebay
Cool new rear wing idea!
Hey Doc, maybe you can pick this one up

Idea, follow that car (not too closely) when the top falls off (if it's not too damaged) you can pick it up and finally have your yellow top to match!!!!! Looking forward to tomorrow:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Not that kind of top, this kind. Don't try this at home! Found on ebay
What an idiot!!:mad:
These dealers have no clue. Perhaps he/she does not even know the clamshell is for the top. "Great, the NSX-T even comes with a pizza oven! Bake while you drive!"
What complete morons....
i dont see the big deal.as mentioned earlier it looks as if it was just placed on there for the photograph.as long as he/she was careful then no damage would be done.
I think this photo was posted just so <B>Anytime</B> could post a thread called " What not to do when you take your top off". :D Over 500 disappointed hits on this thread so far. LOL
When you look at the pictures in the ad they have one marked "mid engine 3.2 litre monster", the problem is the idiots have the hood up:rolleyes: