What kind of Ferrari is that?

15 January 2003
Rye Brook, NY, USA
So my wife and I take the NSX up to Vermont this past weekend (Wilmington/Bratelboro area), it was a gorgeous ride up on Friday, on Saturday I pull in to gas up (cheap gas compared to NY) and first person comes out and says to me, what kind of Ferrari is that, I tell him that it's an Acura, he asks me if it's a new model, I politely inform him that it's been around since 1991, although it was changed slightly in 2002. He asks me what kind of horsepower it has, I try to tell him while it only has 290, it's not about 0-60, although it's no slouch. A few moments later a young woman (I can't tell ages anymore, maybe 18-22 yrs old) comes out and says that's the nicest looking car I've ever seen around here. It was nice to see people appreciate it's beauty even though they had no clue what it was. I never cease to be amazed at how many people really don't know what it is, and all of them (no matter how ignorant of things automotive) think it's beautiful. I averaged over 26mpg at about 80mph with the top off, not bad!!! The good news is that it wasn't mistaken for a vette!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
I had a guy in Chicago tell me last weekend that it was the first time he had ever seen an Acura like that. Kind of hit me hard that I drive a car than many people have NEVER seen in their lives (print or live).
my mate has the opposite problem as he gets asked if his 355 Ferrari is a Toyota mr2 with a 355 body kit :D

You can buy the kit for £3000-£4000

Whan you inform them its not they say "its not loud enough to be a Ferrari"

Tell him to put the Tubi exhaust on along with their cat bypass pipes. A good friend of mine has that on his F355-F1 and I guarantee you that car would NEVER be mistaken for anything other than an F car. What a screaming howl!

As a footnote he's selling the car in order to make room for the Challenge Stradale he just ordered. 10,000 rpm rev limiter...that should sound incredible.
The other day I was in the auto store when I over heard a couple guys talking about my car in the lot. One guy says...."is that a ferrari?"...the other guy (surprisingly) say "No...it's an Acura NSX". It was nice to hear a comment from somone who knows about cars.
Then I get home and my neighbor who is about 80 years old says....cool car, is that a camaro?? I just put up my hands and surrendered. I love the unique look this car has....but some people amaze me.
Yesterday as I was getting into my car, a guy walked up to me & asked if it was an NSX, I answered him and he said "very nice" my friend has a 1988. I politely told him that you must mean a 1998, I explained to him why. His response was, "well you obvoiusly don't know much about your own car" and walked away.
A couple of nice compliments over the last week:

On Friday as I was going home in (slow!) freeway traffic, a guy two lanes over had his window down & camera phone out & motioned to the driver in the car between us to give him some space so he could snap the pic!

Then when I got home, my wife mentioned to her friend at work about going to pick up some parts for me at DHL - her friend asked if that was for the NSX, to which she affirmed. Suddenly one of the other girls popped out from her cube & said "Wait a minute - you guys have an NSX? Oh my God - that's my dream car - if I win the lottery that's my car!"
Before she could respond, Michelle's friend answered, "Oh yeah - & it's a real nice one too!"
newby said:
....cool car, is that a camaro??

LOL when I read this. I was in a parking lot when I ran into someone who was commenting on how nice my car was (feeling pretty good about now)
then told me he thought it was a Firebird. Good feeling gone.