What is you message board history

28 January 2004
Where did it all start for your guys? How far back can you remember?

It all started for me back in high school in 95-96, bouncing around a couple boards about video games. It died off and I hadnt been on a board in years.

Then in 99 I started getting into cars and was on honda-acura.net which is now honda-tech.com i believe.

I got off that when its off-topic forum went solo and off-topic.net was born. I was on that for a couple years until it just got too cluttered with people who just wanted to start flames. Alot of the old members left and so did I.

I was again off message boards for a couple years and just in the last few months got on prime. The people here are top notch. Funny, insightful, and helpful. A rarity on the web. :cool:
I was researching cellphones, and I stumbled across www.sprintusers.com .

This was when I was new to cellphones and needed a lot of hand holding to figure out the features and plans. The people there basically knew all the behind-the-scense stuff (and still do), and some Sprint employees posted informative stuff there too.

So I learned a lot there and got a lot of help. Now I hardly go there because I'm pretty informed about my cellphone service, but it did get me started on web forums.

I like NSXPrime for the same reasons you do. A group of sophisticated and informed people who are passionate about many things, including the NSX.
The other NSX board was my first encounter with message boards and Prime was the second. I lurked around for a few years, bought my NSX, lurked around some more for another year and a half, then finally joined the board so I could participate in the first NSXPrime Canyon Drive.
1985 old xerox machine.
Mamoth disks (if you can call them that), fit in the "pizza oven" of a drive.
Hangman, Mouse, Juggling.
Mainly DOS based text format.

ICQ was the 1st (1995).
Prime is the 7th.
I guess you're all too young to remember Procomm Plus and ansi BBS's! :p

(Prime is my first "web" based message board. Before that, I dabbled in various Usenet newsgroups.


Btw, could someone translate what the above says? I found it in a web search.
I guess you're all too young to remember Procomm Plus and ansi BBS's! :p

Oh I remember Procomm Plus...and I certainly called around to numerous BBSs back in the day (especially in the mid-to-late 1980's)

I can't recall posting anything on a Web based forum before NSX Prime. I lurked, but never posted on various tech support forums, game forums, technology forums, electronic music forums. I was afraid to post because I could see myself devoting a large portion of my time to these online discussions.

The floodgates opened with Prime. Now I'm dozens of forums semi-regularly...but no site do I frequent more than here.
Telnet terminal bulletin board style 'IRC' type programs were my first around 1992.

I used several 'chat' type telnet locations and newsgroups in 92-93, regular web forums were pretty rare for me, with Prime being the one I am most 'active' on, although as you can tell from my sign up date and number of post, the term 'active' is used loosely ;)
I never even knew about online forums until I came across Prime. I guess nothing else inspired my interest to find/participate in forums until I bought my NSX.

Mr.Wolf said:
I 'erased' my history long ago. :D

It's good to see you back, Mr. Wolf. :cool: