What is up with the WSP these days???

2 October 2005
Bellingham, WA
Ok, so I'm going to go off on a rampage because I have no where else to vent.

Last week, being the 'nice guy', my old neighbor from like 3 years ago that I never see or ever hang out with, calls me up out of the blue and tells me her car broke down. I've fixed her car before (she drives a Civic EG), and I've always told her if she ever has any problems to just give me a call. Apparently she broke down right by my office/shop. So I asked her where and headed out to meet her.

Apparently, the apartment complex she stopped in has two parking lots but each parking lot is separate and has 2 entrances. I didn't know this, so at the first parking lot, first entrance I go to turn in, and notice that there is a motorcycle cop writing a ticket for some lady, and that my neighbor's car isn't visible, so instead of turning in, I head to next entrance (of the same parking lot which I'm unfamiliar with) that is like 300' down the road. I turn into the parking lot and don't notice her car so I call her as I drive through the parking lot and end up back at the first entrance that I was at, where the cop is (my neighbor is in the OTHER parking lot of course ARGH). I stop like 30ft from the parking lot exit and complete my conversation on the phone - realizing that the cop is finishing up with his ticket stop and is watching me now, and that I shouldn't be on the phone while driving - I nod, smile and give him a friendly wave.

So, as I hang up and proceed to the exit of the parking lot and make a left onto the main road, the cop follows me, and literally pulls me over like 20' later.

I'm like, "WTF! He's actually going to pull me over for talking on my phone????"

Apparently not. He's asks me why I don't have a front a front license plate.


I've NEVER been stopped in my LIFE for not having a front license plate, nor have I ever gotten a ticket for it in ANY of my cars - let alone the NSX which I've had for like 3 years now and drive it almost every day.

Long story short, he gives me a freaking $216 ticket for it.

As you can guess, I've pretty freaking peeved about it. I have a clean record too! You figure he'd at least give me a warning or a fix-it ticket!

So, to top it all off, this morning (1 hour ago), I'm heading to the bank, and LITERALLY 50' from my freaking condo, I get pulled over for the same freaking reason! I tell the cop that I just got a damn ticket 1 week ago, so he double checks in the system and tells me he's "cutting me a break", and not going to give me another ticket.


A. I don't want to run a front plate
B. I feel like i should have at least gotten a warning/fix-it ticket
C. TWICE IN ONE WEEK???? when I've never EVER been stopped in my life for it????
D. I don't even know where my front license plate is at this point anyways, so I'd have to get new ones + mounting bracket


/end rant :mad:

PS: slight correction, it wasn't the WSP. Both stops were the Bellingham PD. Either way, I'm still freaking pissed.
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Sounds like a matter of wrong place wrong time. You simply caught officer red rocket as he was in full revenue enhancement mode writing a bunch of chicken shit tickets.

Contest it. File a request for discovery. Let it drag out. My 0.2
Sounds like a matter of wrong place wrong time. You simply caught officer red rocket as he was in full revenue enhancement mode writing a bunch of chicken shit tickets.

I figured that *may* be the case.... but honestly, in the last 10yrs or however long i can possibly remember, I've never had this problem not have I even been pulled over 2 times in 7 days! argh!

Contest it. File a request for discovery. Let it drag out. My 0.2

I'm not familiar with this area at all. I've contested speeding tickets before and have gotten off on all of them. What will that gain me though? I have plenty of time on my hands, but if its not going to drop the ticket, then whats the point?
I got 3 no front tag tickets this year and 2 last year. All within 1/2mile from my neighborhood.

Also this year:
My house alarm goes off. Alarm company calls and says police have been notified. Guess who never shows up??????

I get majorly road raged/tailgated by this nutjob while driving with my girlfriend for about 5miles leading up to my neighborhood. Guess who is nowhere to be seen????

Oh, but f*ck me with my no front tag. Cops around me shouldn't be issued guns, maybe just rulers so they can smack people's nuckles.
Oh, but f*ck me with my no front tag. Cops around me shouldn't be issued guns, maybe just rulers so they can smack people's nuckles.

rulers are too expensive, give them a fricking pen and a piece of green paper, it will pay for the cop's salary, the pen and many more of those green paper.

In case you guys don't know, WSP is in full force on I5, I90, 405 lately. S2ki.com had an interesting thread. They are everywhere. Unmarked, motorcycle and others.

Cresent, I also got pulled over on I5 around B'ham for the same shit. It was my 2nd time in 5 years. Cop pull up behind slow traffic. The$ lexus in front of me freaked out and running at 50mph. I finally got around him at dead 60mph. (My g2x showing exactly 60.2mph) Lexus procceed to changed lane and followed my the same speed. Cops turn on lights and procceed to pull me over.

"Good morning officer, What did I do?"
He looked inside my car, look at my wife, "You drive this car all the time? You know you need a front license plate."

"na sir, I only put it in garage and get to drive this on racetrack. I'm going to Canada and visit a friend. he wants to see this car."

procceed to give him insurance and registration

"you need to put ur plate back on even though you don't drive this car much"

He's actually cool about letting me go. Maybe it's a good thing I don't drive the nsx around too much.

2 weeks later, driving my wife's TL, at an intersection less than 1/8 mile from my house. 3AM in the morning. no cars, no people in sight. I made a right turn under red light... Blue and red light from a nearby parking lot. I'm lucky he got me a warning.

.... so I thought, I just got pulled over in my miata last Sat. It's at night, I was making a right turn under green light at an intersection. I need to make cross 2 lanes to the left side, waiting the light for a left turn on I90 on ramp. (for those who knows, it's I90 west bound ramp at Factoria, right underneath the I90) so I was the only car on those 3 lanes when I merge the lanes. All the other directions are in red light, no cars around me what so ever. 15 seconds later, cop pull behind me. We both waiting for the green light. 2 minutes passed, green light, an indian guy cross walking at the ramp, ok, cop behind me, I'm in my best behavior, slowing down the car letting this dude complete his "walk". Then shift back to 1st, 2500rpm, 2nd gear (in my miata) Then the blue and red lights shows.

First thing he asked me, "What's the hurry?" I thought, dude, you have a gun, you might as well shoot me alright??

then he went. "Let me have your registration and license." "when you changing lanes, why aren't you signal.. It's a $216 ticket." I just say, "sorry officer, I'm too tired after 12 hr. shift, maybe i forgot." Which really, I was thinking, WTF are you talking about, why do I have to signal when there's zero car around me??

He let me go, but I really felt like tax money well spent :mad:
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This is of course a bunch of quota BS, but I would also contest this. Humble yourself in the court-room and ask for mercy from the judge. Who cares if you feel silly. It's your money. As an objection. I would make it very clear to the judge that this care was designed WITHOUT a mounting bracket for a front plate. If the judge argues the fact then plead your case about the value of your car w/o the holes in the front bumper.

I understand the argument regarding front plates that we don't even have tabs for anymore, but when it comes to defacing the value of a collectable exotic sports car, then there has to be a comprimise.

It's also an end of the month deal too, knock on wood but where I live I drive right up to cops at local bars and they don't even bother me. They actually ask about the car and ask if I get nervous parking it near clubs/bars etc.

That's my opinion anyway, either way contest the ticket.
That really sucks. Yesterday I drove from Lake Stevens, WA to Portland, OR on I-5 going pretty much 75-80 the whole time, even through the portions that are 60 mph, and I got home ticket free, go figure.
Update: Well, I sucked it up, waited the maximum 15 days and paid the freaking $216 BS ticket.

Only ticket I've had in possibly 8 years... rediculous. It cost more than a damn speeding ticket!

Go figure.


I really wish you didn't. All you had to do was make a temporary way of putting the front plate on, take a picture, show up to court and politely explain to the judge some BS story like you took it off for a car show and forgot to put it back on. I guarantee you at the very least it would get knocked down, and there is a good chance with your record they would just completely dismiss it.
Update: Well, I sucked it up, waited the maximum 15 days and paid the freaking $216 BS ticket.

Only ticket I've had in possibly 8 years... rediculous. It cost more than a damn speeding ticket!

Go figure.

I get a lot of tickets anywhere and everywhere compare to the average Joe but seriously the cops in WA are nit pickers, I remember getting all my nit picking tickets in WA while I was in active duty. And the damn highways are full of cops in undercover/unmarked cars handing out tickets all day:confused: But than again where the cops should be patroling in Tacoma/fife/puyallup all the bad neighborhoods I lived in no cops around partolling at all.