What is this hole for?

25 November 2004
Upstate NY
I had to take the coolant tank out of my '92 and I noticed a threaded hole just below what appears to be a cam plug/seal on the driver's side of the head. I presume that something should be bolted to this threaded hole. Can anybody tell me what this is for and/or what is supposed to be bolted there?
If i remember correctly, the OEM tank of yours should have a total of 3 holes... two on the front side (pointing to the rear of the car) and one near the cap (pointing towoards the drivers back). If its the one pointing at your back.. then that is the overflow hole... should have a tube on it running down against the tank held in place by that "U" bracket molded on the tank...
Thanks, J. The hole I was frerring to is on the cylinder head ( it was visible only after I removed the coolant tank--it's not a coolant tank mounting hole). Anyway, Larry Bastanza pointed out to me that nothing should bolt up to that hole on manual tranny models. He thought that it was used for some accessory to automatic tranny models.