What is the average life of a clutch?

21 June 2002
sharon, ma
I have a 98 NSX with 28,000 miles. Never raced or pushed the car and am wondering how long before I have to replace the clutch

Originally posted by mdane:
I have a 98 NSX with 28,000 miles. Never raced or pushed the car and am wondering how long before I have to replace the clutch


you know whats weird, i bought my car about 1 month ago and never raced it till this past weekend, its a 99 blk/blk with only 10k miles. i was racing this white prelude and maybe i rode the clutch or something but the clutch slipped heavily. the RPM went way up and the car didnt go, the interior was filled with soo much clutch burning smell. after a few miles of normal driving the clutch came back and it was fine. i guess it might be time to get a new clutch at only 10k miles. (weird).

I will qualify this with the fact this is like asking how long brake pads last. The most significant factor is the driver/driving conditions. Brakes can last 10K miles or 60K miles, same car, same brakes, different driver/driving conditions.

With that said I think 30K-50K miles is the typical NSX clutch life. Some get 10K - some get 70-100K, but I think they are the exception.

There was a discussion on the big list recently and one person pointed out he was getting an average of 15K/per clutch, another person chimed in an explained that due to the angle of his driveway, he was always slipping it on the way out, EVERY DAY, and he also got around 15K!! ( And this was on two cars, not only his NSX) So, you can see how driving conditions also play a huge role. Until this post recently, I was mostly focused on the "driver" as opposed to the "driving conditions".

I have a 1991 with 31K and my clutch is original and feels fine, but... it could slip tomorrow. ( I have a steep driveway

I drive is a spirited manner, and try to keep my foot OFF the clutch pedal as much as possible. I NEVER "milk" the clutch. If my foot is coming up it's always coming ALL the way off. I was given that advise when I first learned to drive manual, and it has worked for me.


[This message has been edited by Larry Bastanza (edited 15 July 2002).]
Originally posted by Larry Bastanza:
I think 30K-50K miles is the typical NSX clutch life. Some get 10K - some get 70-100K, but I think they are the exception.

I agree.

I replaced mine at 38K miles, and I have no complaints. (Actually, there was still some clutch material, but it was fairly worn. I replaced it because one of the springs broke, a common occurrence on a worn clutch.) That included 6,250 actual track miles - probably around 40-50 events - which I consider extreme use. I don't drive on many inclines (it's flat around here), so I rarely slip the clutch.
my 91 was replaced at 32000 miles...i was experiencing clutch slip at high rpms when shifting and knew it was time to change it b4 i got stuck somewhere