what is "photochopped?"

8 March 2006
As far as I know, the program commonly used for modifying pictures is made by Adobe and it is called "photoshop". Hence, when you use this program to enhance a picture, it is called "photoshopped".

But on this forum I constantly see "chopped" and "Chop". "Can someone photochop this picture?" ... "is this photochopped"?

Am I missing something or is this a constant wrong use of a term?!
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I've been wondering the same thing for some time now.

I can see "chopped" can be a designated slang word for photo shopped since it's shorter and shopped can be confused with purchasing, but I do constantly see photochopped which makes no sense to me. :confused:
oops... meant to post this in "off topic". Moderator please move.
This is intentionally shitty but makes perfect sense... Here's a photochop.

I think the chop is slang for shop.Probably started because internet geeks don't like to use corporate or trademarked terms for things,since as you said adobe has the shop in its name.
I think the chop is slang for shop.Probably started because internet geeks don't like to use corporate or trademarked terms for things,since as you said adobe has the shop in its name.

Why you got to hate on techie talk?
Why you got to hate on techie talk?

It was abit of humor,most techy types I have met are the first to joke about themselves.:wink:
It was abit of humor,most techy types I have met are the first to joke about themselves.:wink:

Why do you think I used bad grammar in my response and made a "photochop"? ;-P. I wasn't doubting the humor...

1. Photochop

To alter a picture using Adobe's Photoshop program. Usually to make the picture comical.

Lol, case in point :)
I always assumed that photochop's are a cruder, faster, less professional version of the same. Although now that the question is asked I can also see other possibilities. 'shop/'chopping generally involves the dissection and manipulation of images in layers, so maybe that is it?

Personally, I have been wondering why a bumper is frequently called 'bumber' and a brake caliper a 'break caliber'. As soon as you guys get the photochop thing figured out I propose that be the next item on the agenda.
I always assumed that photochop's are a cruder, faster, less professional version of the same. Although now that the question is asked I can also see other possibilities. 'shop/'chopping generally involves the dissection and manipulation of images in layers, so maybe that is it?

Personally, I have been wondering why a bumper is frequently called 'bumber' and a brake caliper a 'break caliber'. As soon as you guys get the photochop thing figured out I propose that be the next item on the agenda.

What about hte mispelling of thing s like form and liek that are so easy to spel lcorrectly...?
'Chop' shop is the name for a place that parts cars, or to modify parts as in 'Chopper' motorcycle.
I always assumed that photochop's are a cruder, faster, less professional version of the same.

This was my understanding of the term as well. :smile:
It was abit of humor,most techy types I have met are the first to joke about themselves.:wink:
Consider the word that african-americans often use to refer to each other, but would beat someone else down for using. One needs to take care with a group's inside jokes and terms of endearment when not in the group themself, especially when using it in a tone of voice that sure did seem like it was intended in an insulting manner.
Oh, and I believe the term "photochop" comes from cutting bits of images up and assembling them in a new way. It probably came from the practice of putting star's faces in porn scenes, but it applies well enough to things like slapping a spoiler on a car that doesn't have one.

The broader verb, "photoshop," also covers less hacky things like airbrushing, tinting, lens-flaring, etc.
I don't know... I never heard of the term "photochop" before adobe's release of photoshop software years ago. I think it just came about as an incorrect use of the term photoshop. People probably saw that it modifies pictures and not knowing the software, decided Chop made more sense than Shop.
Consider the word that african-americans often use to refer to each other, but would beat someone else down for using. One needs to take care with a group's inside jokes and terms of endearment when not in the group themself, especially when using it in a tone of voice that sure did seem like it was intended in an insulting manner.

OOOOk....so my post with "internet geek" carries the same intention and taboo as calling an African American the "N" word:eek: :rolleyes: I learned something new,I'll keep it in mind:wink:
OOOOk....so my post with "internet geek" carries the same intention and taboo as calling an African American the "N" word:eek: :rolleyes: I learned something new,I'll keep it in mind:wink:

If you doctors didn't suffer from a God Complex then you might be a little more sensitive to the feelings of others. Fortunately, personally I am in touch with my sensitive side. Sometimes I just want to be held.
& Feelings,nothing more than feelings,,trying to forget my feelings of love,,,,,&
Consider the word that african-americans often use to refer to each other, but would beat someone else down for using. One needs to take care with a group's inside jokes and terms of endearment when not in the group themself, especially when using it in a tone of voice that sure did seem like it was intended in an insulting manner.

Thank you for siding on our side on this, HOWEVER, I read the humor in it and was joking too. ADDITIONALLY, geek is not derogatory: geek refers to someone who is tech savvy in a matter-of-fact way. The derogatory terms are dork (anti-social) and nerd (book worm; derogatory). We have no issue being called geeks or shopping from Think Geek. It is in no way like the terms fag or the "n word"; however, those terms are used as endearment only within the group as you said. I'm not trying to flame you, but it is something that comes up a lot.

Lastly, this thread is stupid :-P. I can't believe it has gone on this long, it's a freaking intentional misspelling, end of story. No book needs to be written about it :-P.
Sounds like you might be changing the name of your practice to Brokeback Radiology.....

Whats the sense of looking if it aint "broke":wink: now about that hug.......
as somebody who started to use that term long before i saw it anywhere.....
it's the same thing as "photoshopped'..... you're chopping it up. what else is there to know? :P