What is Diagnostic Code 1399?

misfire code , most likely the igniter.
Appreciate the quick response! My scanner doesn't identify it as misfire - but it did look like one. Is there another test diagnostic that i can do the verify it?
Hey Hrant,

Is this related to our other problems we have been experiencing?
I have a suspicion that it might but not sure!

When I thought the issue was resolved after a 200 mile trip, and then a track day with no issues ........ car was washed/cleaned and sat for a week on a battery tender and started like a charm yesterday. Left it off the tender for 24 hours and today it sputtered and gave a 1399 code but not all the other cylinder misfire codes. I am not sure how the two (battery tender and igniter) may be related but I am at a loss .........

Edit: I am told by the local dealer that 1399 is a generic multi cylinder misfire.
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If the question is about the sputtering with initial high revs, for some reason I haven't had that problem this winter and I have no clue as to why as I didn't change anything since that post.

But my OBD II rear sensors have acted up occasionally with slow response code though it passes smog with no issues; time to change those as they are still the original ones from 1998 and now with 60K miles. The fronts were changed when we installed the CTSC at 45K miles.