What I want for Christmas is.........

24 July 2003
LA, California
What are people hoping to see under the ol' tree this year.....????

For me....
Besides an NSX(which I know im not getting).....skydiving certification....(call me crazy!):p
Comptech Supercharge or GJ Turbo would make me a happy camper...

But I have a feeling it'll be designer socks and boxers instead...

I always wish for new tires. I need one for my bike and now I need one for my NSX too.

I never get new tires. I wanted it many many years :)

Now I want a Tag Heuer too.. But as long as I get a "Fenalår" which is dried meat(tigh) of a sheep (tradition)..(not sure what it is called in english) then I am happy. And maybe some socks and cloths because I am too busy to buy things like that myself.

Would be nice to get a nice HID setup from SOS. I will buy one some time in the future.

MarkB said:
Sounds like what we call jerky (traditionally beef but other meats too.).


Here is a "Fenalår"

actually, i want an NSX crystal. I told my parents that what I want. I was hard-pressed to come up with anything else. I do want 2 days off work and 3 nights in a hotel in Detroit in early January for the NAIAS, to which I can get press passes.

As long as I can spend the day enjoying life with my wife, stepkids, inlaws, and my family I'll be happy. I'm not in it for the gifts (maybe that's just the empty bank account speaking).
what i want...

i would ahve to say a car to call my own. being in college and not having a car is rough, esp in San Diego.
TucAZNSX, Your in luck. There's always alot of exhust systems for sale and a few cute puppies lately. :D
An exhaust, MP3 stacker and springs.
steveny said:
Not much I really want.


I can not wait to see my girlfriends face when she sees what I got for her. :) :) :)

Are you going to leave us hanging like that???:p
NowSeeX's said:
Are you going to leave us hanging like that???:p

:D :D

With a couple of long threads in the Picture gallery in mind I would have to say on behalf of those who posted in that thread that "we do not care what he gives her..we only want to see picture of the GF" :D :D

This is long and I am sorry.

In 1999 Renee was experiencing headaches on a daily basis that became worse over time. She went to many different doctors with no help. Then she started to have numbness in her arms and legs. She was having blackouts and passing out while standing. This was severely effecting her performance at school. Her GPA dropped to 2.9. Finally in 2001 we found a doctor that ordered an MRI. This revealed a brain stem condition that is known as ACM, Arnold Chari Malformation. She had a kink in her brain stem due to her foramen magnum (The hole in the bottom of her skull where the nerves exit to the spine) being to small. To correct this requires skull base brain surgery. A piece of the skull and the first vertebrae is removed to make room for the brain stem. It took us another 7 months of interviewing doctors all over the east coast that could correct this problem. Out of all the doctors that would do the surgery only one would guarantee that he would not fuse her neck. She had her surgery in Pittsburgh performed by Dr. Gassan Bejanni, a 35 year old genius. The surgery was done in July 2002. Immediately right in the recovery room she said that the headache she had for Four years was gone. This type of surgery requires lots of physical therapy and making sure to be very careful for a while after surgery. In December 2002 she was rear ended in a car accident by someone who had no drivers license and no insurance. In January her health insurance through her father's job expired because of health problems he has. He is now out of work and partially paralyzed from neck problems and a botched surgery. So now the insurance companies will not pay for her PT because one says its needed because of the surgery and the other because of the car accident. At this point all she needs is massage therapy to keep the muscles in her neck loose. So I am getting her a top end message chair she can use on a daily basis. I know this chair will work for her because we currently drive 45 minutes each way every weekend to use one just like it.
Needless to say this has been a very trying experience. Without headaches she is now a 4.0 student with Two weeks left for her degree to be a speech pathologist. I am so proud of her and the way she always has a smile for me, even when she had the headaches.
martin said:
:D :D

With a couple of long threads in the Picture gallery in mind I would have to say on behalf of those who posted in that thread that "we do not care what he gives her..we only want to see picture of the GF" :D :D


She is 23 and I am 38. If I knew how to post a pic I would.
steveny said:
This is long and I am sorry.

I am so proud of her and the way she always has a smile for me, even when she had the headaches.

Thank you for posting that. I feel proud too of what she/you have done out of a very bad situation.

Tell her good luck on the exam/degree.

My friend,
That is a gift better than gold! I wish you both good will and good health, for I know how much those truly mean:D