What front bumper is?

19 September 2006
Nashville, TN
Can anybody tell me what front bumper this car has on it?
It doesnt look like the stock bumper with the WW lip. The reason I say that is because there is no seam. Did he just mold the lip in with the bumper, or this an actualy aftermarket front bumper?


Excellent, thanks for the info.

Do you know if there are any other front bumper options for the NA1. I am looking to do something besides the WW lip. I personally think the WW lips looks a bit tacky on red, because you can see a big fat seam.

Thanks again for the link.
shine auto has another add on lip that looks really good. its going for 250 right now. it looks similar to the "RM" lip but better think.

they have that kei office lower piece like on stick-e-rice's car but i think it was a little more like $350. stick-e has the original and paid $900 and some change.

shine auto's facility is quite impressive. its almost like its own small city.
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I said personally I think it doesnt look that good. Meaning that is my opinion. I am not insulting anyones' car. So, please dont take it out of context or start some sort of flame war. I just think that the lip looks better on black because you cant see where the lip and the bumper meet. It almost looks likes it is molded in.

By the way, do you still have any 4300k kits for sale? I would like to get one from you.


evof575gtc said:
wow, that guy just bashed you and just about every other nsx owner out there.

but anyways, shine auto does have another add on lip that looks really good. its going for 250 right now. it looks similar to the "RM" lip but better.[/QUOTE
There are tons of front lips available for the NSX. If you want to see them all, purchase Hyper Rev First and 2nd volume, tons tons tons of front lips and bumpers.
Stick-e-rice said:
There are tons of front lips available for the NSX. If you want to see them all, purchase Hyper Rev First and 2nd volume, tons tons tons of front lips and bumpers.

Your car is incredibly hawt! :smile: