What exhaust is this? (from Yahoo Japan Auction)

GT One v.4
Not so much, if you think about the GB going on now is selling the v5.1 stainless steel version for $3200...

Actually, it's $2900 now, regardless, from what I have seen, you can find GT-One v.1 and v4 quite often on Yahoo Auction Japan, the only v.5 I have seen are used. Scorp92 did a deal for a Prime not too long ago, by the time it reach the State side, it came out to be slightly under $2900-ish.

The problem is, people don't quite understand how much more it is involved to get stuff from overseas, brokerage fees, money conversion and bank wiring fees, and shipping/clearing customs. This particular deal will probably end up close to $3800 by the time it's done.