What does the grease bag for the seal belt do?

13 August 2003
if you look into detail on the seat belt assembly..
there's a brownish grease bag for the seat belt..
you idiot who installed my harness bar, left it out the "grease bag" when he put back the seat belt assembly..

my question is, is this "grease bag" important to have? When i went to the Acura dealership, they said i had to buy the whole seat belt assembly, in order to have that bag..

your comments are appreciated..
The grease bag is designed to keep the belt clean. It has no operational function, except to keep grease and dirt off the nylon webbibg, which given enough time could be damaged by either. I've seen them damaged or missing on a few cars with harness bars.

NSXTech said:
The grease bag is designed to keep the belt clean. It has no operational function, except to keep grease and dirt off the nylon webbing, which given enough time could be damaged by either. I've seen them damaged or missing on a few cars with harness bars.


i see, is it possible I could just purchase the grease bag seperately from somewhere and the white clips that hold it on..
or it not essential, and should I just not worry about it?
I just want everything to work properly.. and I'm ticked off that the guy lied to me, and said the bag was in there..