What do you think?

1 August 2008
Los Angeles
This is my second time looking at a nsx that I want to purchase. The first one didnt go well. It was from a dealer and it has been in an accident but the dealer denied it. Pretty fishy when I asked about the car fax. They said theyre getting it for me but never did.

Anyways this time its a 91 nsx with 44k miles. Formula red, mostly stock except exhaust and intake. It is from my friends uncle, but he havent driven the car for 3 years now. He own the car for over 10 years now and only put 10k on it.

Question is...

What should I be looking to replace since it havent been driven for so long. I know the oil will need to be replaced. What about the timing belt? I will check the snap ring before I purchase the car. He said he will replace the clutch for me but I might just have him subtract it from the price. I can replace it myself.

Price is $26,000 with the clutch replaced.

Anyone have carfax? I will get the vin for the car this weekend.

gsrboy, there are MANY threads covering this same topic. troll around a bit.
I say take it without the clutch replacement. 44k does'nt necessarally warrant a clutch replacement. Could be slave or clutch master cylinder problem.
If he's never had the timing belt changed you'll want to do that.
I would do a 60K service plus TB/WP including tensioner. Cooling hoses are also a good idea... Look at the wiki for info on maintenence.
Thanks for the help guys. yeah I have been doing alot of reading and research since my last time here. I just want to make sure thats everything I need to know.
Probably need a battery too. The price seems great for a low-miles car.

The coolant hoses, all 22 of them (IIRC), are a must! If it has original hoses change them all. There was a TSB on the '91 hoses.
I agree with the others, this is great price for an NSX with that kind of miles, obviously a car person that seems to care about his cars. I would do as the other said. Discount the price of the clutch as it may still be fine and put that towards the other maintenance you need to do, TB/WP etc.

If you don't take it that car will sell fast at that price!