What do you guys think of the Gumpert?


Legendary Member
18 September 2005
Southern California
Just saw that on Top Gear, the sucker went by their track faster than everything they have tested up to that point, and they didn't even test the most powerful one.

Even though most people considered it cosmetically challenged, the over all shape is actually pleasant to me. I like the snorkel!!!



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Oh man...the Gumpert Apollo is awesome.

I love how the whole exterior is pure function driven. Funny how Richard was saying there isn't a good view of the car, and how it's not attractive from any angle. But none of that would matter because of the purpose behind the car....to go FAST! I would love to see someone drive the Apollo upside down in a tunnel though, that should be their next challenge on Top Gear.

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Im not a fan, not horrible but far from stunning. Kinda looks a little like a Veyron:wink:
Saw one up in person in Santa Ana out of all places.. I went to go get an estimate for my vehicle and I saw it in the corner, detailed and ready to go. At first, i had no idea what it was or the value of it. I spoke with the owner of the shop, who repainted the vehicle, and told me what a headache the car was.

Headache in a sense of liability and paperwork involved. He was under strict orders to never let the vehicle leave the facility, locked up, and not to have any dust/debris enter the car when repainting..