What did I mess up?

16 November 2006
I changed out my motor mounts today. Front, rear, and driver side. Had the car on jack stands from 10am to about 9pm. I know it's a long time, but I'm still a newbie when working on this car and I wasn't rushing. Plus that front mount is a B***h. So I finally finish up, do a quick look, no left over parts. Good to go or so I thought.
Get the car back on the ground and want to take a quick spin to make sure everything is cool. Nope. Won't start. Just clicking behind the seat and some kind of whirring sound(Not the sound of the starter when it doesn't engage). Before this it started up no problem every time. I didn't touch anything electrical or mess with the starter so I don't know what happened. I pulled the clock fuse to see if that would help and also tapped on the main relay. No go on both. I had the engine hatch open the whole time, but there is no light in there and the battery doesn't seem like it's dead. The TCS and antilock lights stay on on the dash, but I don't know if that means anything.

So all you experts out there: What did I mess up? Seriously, any suggestions/opinions/ideas are greatly appreciated.

Try and jump start it and see if that works (easiest things first). Then check your engine grounds, there are 2 (1 by the alternator and 1 by the coolant tank). Sometimes tapping on the main relay doesn't work. Do you hear the purr of the fuel pump when you turn the key on before you try to start it? Recheck your work and make sure you haven't pinched a wire. :confused:

Lastly, make sure you post what you found to resolve the problem.
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I changed out my motor mounts today. Front, rear, and driver side. Had the car on jack stands from 10am to about 9pm. I know it's a long time, but I'm still a newbie when working on this car and I wasn't rushing. Plus that front mount is a B***h. So I finally finish up, do a quick look, no left over parts. Good to go or so I thought.
Get the car back on the ground and want to take a quick spin to make sure everything is cool. Nope. Won't start. Just clicking behind the seat and some kind of whirring sound(Not the sound of the starter when it doesn't engage). Before this it started up no problem every time. I didn't touch anything electrical or mess with the starter so I don't know what happened. I pulled the clock fuse to see if that would help and also tapped on the main relay. No go on both. I had the engine hatch open the whole time, but there is no light in there and the battery doesn't seem like it's dead. The TCS and antilock lights stay on on the dash, but I don't know if that means anything.

So all you experts out there: What did I mess up? Seriously, any suggestions/opinions/ideas are greatly appreciated.


Does it crank but not fire, or does it not even crank?
No cranking, just a click. I can hear the fuel pump. After getting some sleep and eating breakfast I'm going to look at it again.
No cranking, just a click. I can hear the fuel pump. After getting some sleep and eating breakfast I'm going to look at it again.

Rule out the easiest thing first; the battery. It's probably just a coincidence but strange things do happen.

Thanks for all the help guys. It turned out to be a small plug just below and to the left of the airbox. I guess I inadvertently unplugged it with my gorilla hands while changing the side mount. Plugged it in and she fired right up. It was dark when I finished up yesterday so I missed it when I was trouble shooting even though I had a shop light. I have provided a picture of the offending plug.

Solution: Look for simple things first. Have good lighting. Look for hanging plugs(duh!).
good job,that kind of stuff can drive you crazy.
I really had no clue what that plug was. I was just happy to find that plugging it in made my car work. If it's the starter then I guess that solves my "no starting" problem. Ha Ha! Nikey22, yeah if i was able to disconnect it with out even knowing, then it's not that tight a connection. I'll keep an eye on it.
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