What can I wrap the battery holder with?

24 May 2002
I need to wrap the old battery tie down with something so that it doesn't arc out on the positive terminal. It a temporary fix until the back ordered part arrives. I need to put the car on the road this week-end as they are cleaning the parking lot. Should I just wrap it with electrical tape?

PS. I know it's almost May.
For a temporary fix, go ahead and tape the rod with electrical tape. As long as no metal is showing it should be fine....
The design of the tie down (side to side piece) on the standard NSX part being that close to the positive terminal clamp scares the crap out of me. To think that even a little nick on the coating that close to the terminal clamp could be catastrophic -- was enough to keep me awake at night. So, I simply got a piece of 1/8" flexible rubber (used for roofing) at the local Home Depot, cut at an appropriate sized square piece and made a hole in the middle the size of the battery terminal's diameter. After slipping my "rubber" on the terminal (covering up the top of the tie down) I re-installed the positive battery clamp. And now, since my car wears "protection" I sleep much better knowing it won't get into trouble.:)