Well sort of, it depends on a great deal many other things as well and also ramps up depending on speed. Generally figuring out DF on a non-3d plane wing is relatively easy but gets much harder when taking into account radiused surfaces near differing pressure zones, i.e the front of your car.
I have a chart that my Dad created to help me try and balance things. Hes got a double Master in aeronautical engineering from MIT, He does mostly aerospace but has also done automotive design formulation as well. I learned really fast that unless you have the correct instrumentation and facilities to really truly come up with accurate mesurments a lot of this stuff is 'best guess' based on a few proven formulas.
I had him make me up an editable .xls but cant post the link here and have it show up correctly. I inputted the rough dimensions for my splitter and screen capped the output. You can see even with the huge dimensions of my splitter because its a non cambered airfoil it calculates DF is just about 52.5lbs @100 mph.
this is compared to my rear wing 262lbs @ 100mph
even with the less DF the splitter creates other function that will increase its ability to suck the car down. there are a few bugaboos that you just have to consider gimmes when calculating anything thats this close to the ground. Wheel speed, ambient air pressure, variation in track surface, attitude to ground etc have to all be basically nullified for such general calculations to make sence.
As far as your question- there is an inherent nonlinear increase in DF from 0 to super sonic speeds. The affect of actual pressure will depend on a cambered or non cambered surface and will also be affected by its proximity to stagnation or pockets of disturbed high/low pressures such as the flat surface of the splitter where it hits the bumper at 90*. So Yes, generally it is like 100lbs or more lbs pushing down. But there is alot more at work than just 'pushing down' It really irks me when people stand on splitters in one spot to 'test' them.