What are these gromets on the EVOs and how can I install them on the roof of my NSX?

26 February 2007
37°22′17″N 122°8′15″W
Here's my Top 5 list of what those things on top of the EVO are for:
  1. They make it look like a sea monster when driven underwater
  2. Acts as a brake when you roll the car.
  3. To stop seagulls from perching up there.
  4. To discourage large trucks from driving over the top of your car (SEVERE TIRE DAMAGE!)
  5. Could be somethin to do with airflow.... naahh.. :wink:
on the aircraft these are called 'vortex generators' and are installed to energize the boundary layer (increase local turbulence) to decrease the flow separation from the wing. they only work under certain speeds and conditions.
i have no idea if evo sees any benefit from those but if so then it is only to help the airflow over the rear wing.
another bs ricer thing.
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Wouldn't make a real difference anyway. The flow over the NSX roof separates at the top of the rear glass, but then reattaches about halfway down. If you drive in the rain, you can see the water droplets speed up when they get out of the area where the flow is not attached.

So really, even the stock wing is in smooth air. A GT style wing shouldn't be affected at all.

The FQ400 has them on the car.

It is an Evo thing. As you see the Subaru has there roof fin on there models.

The NSX has enough going on, then to incorperate the roof fins.
Yes! Please do it and post pics when you are done!

Maybe you could get LED's wired in and make an upper brake lamp out of them as well.
I remember reading a wind tunnel testing on evolutionm once saying how it would help with the down force, though it would technically add more weight because of the extra down force.

I wouldn't do it honestly I know the NSX has been designed well into the aerodynamics department.

If you were doing it solely for look appeal, well to each his own. I however wouldn't do it, but I wouldn't knock you for doing it
IMHO any microscopic gain you'll get in aerodynamics will be offset by the microscopic weight gain of the vortex generators themselves. In other words, buy them for looks only; comparatively you'll impact the performance of your car far more with a good bowl movement.
Yeah, if you read that mitsu technical PDF, it seems to imply the vortex thingies are basically a compensation device for the non-ideal roofline of the EVO (necessitated by the fact that it is a sedan). The NSX isn't compromised by the need for 4 doors and so is already pretty slippery. You'll note that there are no similarly-shaped cars that use these things (Ferraris etc.)

Note Honda Tech article on NSX Aero (2002+ Type R):



I think it would look, and taste, much better if you just put the Twizzlers on your car. :wink:

<img src=http://i287.photobucket.com/albums/ll130/biodeez/IMG_1731.jpg>
I actually saw a report about why they do it. It had CFD analysis in there, I will see if I can dig it up and post it. The theory is that it trips the turbulent bounday and prevents seperation of airflow beind the winow thus reduce drag.
