What are these cover-plates on the front bumper for an '05 NSX?

21 January 2005
I forgot to look this up in the manual (assuming it's in the manual) the last time I had the car out of storage. Anyway, what are those cover-plates on the upper part of the bumper just above each lower bumper vent? For towing, access to remove something or ???

They provide access to some of the bolts that hold the bumper cover in place. The tow hook’s further down - hidden behind the little cover between the center and passenger-side openings.

EDIT: Looks like I’m wrong. Listen to the <a href="#post413107">MarkB</a>, not me. Sorry. :redface:
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MarkB said:
Actually, those holes hide secondary tow-bolt screw-in locations. You will find am eye-bolt in the tool-kit area for this purpose.

I know, I need to look at my manual when I get access to it.

But how does this work? If I need a tow truck with a flatbed to haul my car, I'd pop a cover-plate off, screw in the eye-bolt and have the tow truck operator hook the winch cable up to the eye-bolt to pull car onto the flatbed?
When mine was delivered on a flatbed, they used the large one on the front right to lower it off the truck. It's very sturdy. I'm sure the eyebolts would be too.