What are some Websites you visit

19 June 2002
Bay Area, CA
I have been kinda bored online lately running out of places to visit. What are some sites you visit? (cars, fitness, business, etc... sites)
Porn sites...what else is the internet for?:D J/K honey.. I was only looking to see thow disgusting those women were with their fake body parts. I am so happy that the woman I fell in love with did not ruin her perfect body with those horrendous large mammaries!:eek:
Shumdit said:
Porn sites...what else is the internet for?:D J/K honey.. I was only looking to see thow disgusting those women were with their fake body parts. I am so happy that the woman I fell in love with did not ruin her perfect body with those horrendous large mammaries!:eek:
Or tatoos. Sorry if I offend any women out there but I absolutely HATE to see them on a woman.:mad:
Sweet! Another MMA fan

yeah Kenji, love the mma or any fighting. I use to fight but then realised a future with no teeth wasnt my 'thang' UFC, PRIDE (http://www.pridefc.com) K1 they're all good.

Not sure if you were kidding or not on the last bit, but for those that don't read it www.theonion.com, is priceless. Do a search for "Herbert Kornfeld" articles if you want a really good time

Yeah the onion was the one. Its a good laugh! ;)
ajnsx said:
yeah Kenji, love the mma or any fighting. I use to fight but then realised a future with no teeth wasnt my 'thang' UFC, PRIDE (http://www.pridefc.com) K1 they're all good.
Yeah the onion was the one. Its a good laugh! ;)

Yeah, MMA is brutal, but totally a guy thing.... just like motorsports. :) Anyways, I've seen almost all the PrideFC videos and most of K1. I havn't following UFC that much lately. I have a buddy I grew up with (BJ Penn), who is ranked #2 in UFC lightweight right now. Frank Shamrock's submission fighting gym is down the street from my home as well. I've considering going in for training, but work keeps kicking my ass as it is.