What are people's ethics these days?

11 November 2002
St. Louis
Where are people's ethics these days?

Some of you know that I have been having issues with my current job and I want to relay a story to show why and to see what you all have experienced that really pissed you off.

I am a Sales Manager for a company and have been working on a deal for months that is days away from signature. I have spent countless hours providing financials, proposals, meetings, conference calls, special reviews, etc. I found out that one of my co-workers, another Sales Manager, got in with this customer ONE WEEK ago and is now claiming rights to the sale and says that he knows the decision maker. What really pisses me off is that he admitted to me that he knew I was already working it!:mad:

The other problem is that my stinking company wants to remain neutral and split the sale which is large enough to retire my entire month's quota. What kind of company would tolerate such crap. I absolutely will not stand for it.

My question is, where the hell are people's ethics these days? Man, I might as well let this guy break into my house and steal my TV because that is exactly how I feel right now. Has anyone else ever experienced such a back stabbing? Now you see why I am looking.
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That kind of crap goes on all the time in sales. I just remember what my grandpa used to say "CREAM AND ASSHOLES RISE TO THE TOP" I just try to not be an asshole...Lyle
He's a backstabbing a-hole. What comes around goes around.

Say to him, "at least now I know where I stand."

Maybe he'll get the hint.
JLindy, I have experienced it recently myself, in a different kind of setup. As mad as you are, try not to let it define you in the situation. He will get his. Payback may not come from you, he will slip up sooner or later. Can he close the sale without you? If he can and you have to split it anyway, put his sorry butt to work.
Or you could close the sale yourself and get on to the next one. For the record, I would be mad as heck also.
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Been there done that. Used to work with a guy who would steal the meat out of your sandwich. I should have known - he was a disbarred lawyer in a previous career.
Hope and pray that this becomes one of those clients that requires lots of hand-holding - then make sure that he gets all the calls.
Just a real crappy situation all the way. The funny thing is that I have had the opportunity to do the same thing from the other side many times but I have always turned it down. Being honest is about as easy as it gets, so why it is so hard for some people.
May I kindly suggest that you seek the services of Mr. Wolf, or any of the gun aficianados on the gun thread?

;) Just kidding :D