What about David Blaine?

12 December 2002
Southern California
I just watched a documentary of the magician David Blaine and was pretty amazed at what he does. I considered myself a skeptic but after watching his acts, I can't seem to find any logical explanation for how he does it. Is it really magic or fiction? What do you guys think about David Blaine?:confused: :confused: :confused:
I don't think David Blaine ever claimed to have "real" magical powers. He's more of an illusionist and stunt artist. Fox aired a special revealing some of his tricks several years ago. There are even sites hawking his techniques. According to the Fox special, he used a crane to lift him for the "levitation" trick, and the observers were willing participants I believe.

Edit: another levitation method discussed here.
I don't know about TV Specials but there is a DVD about him and his tricks (many card magics and of course, levitation). The name is "David Blane: Fearless" and I purchased mine in Suncoast. I believe Best Buy may have it but I'm not sure.
His street magic is mind blowing, but his stunts are absolutely pointless. Who cares how long he stays in a suspended glass box without food! I hear that the people in England hate his current stunt and are trying everything they can to disrupt him. One even dangled a hamburger next to his elevated glass box from a motorized helicopter. :D As Howard Stern said, no matter what we think, he can and will go right back to scoring with supermodels.:rolleyes:
the motive for ALL men is same...

hmm, i am currently in London doing a medical attachment/clerkship. the david blaine (sp?) circus is good from far; but far from good. he's gettin' heckled- but it adds to his publicity. nonetheless- it was quoted that he stated to some interviewer off the record, it's all for the money & sex... men, go figure!?! :rolleyes:

AND yes, he has some super-model gf' daily out there cheering him on. . .
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If ANYone can explain this to me, I'll be your best friend! :D

In the TV special, he only does the small levitation for the crowd. The higher levitation pictured above ^^^^ is when he is lifted by crane or wires or such. Then they cut to a 'canned' shot of his audience in awe. But it is from the smaller illusionary levitation. You'll notice when the leviation above is performed, the crowd and Blaine are never in the same camera frame during the levitation. All done in editing. I hope this made sense. Am I your best friend now? :D

Are you sure? How do you know this?

I was watching the TV special and it looked like the audiences were watching the picture above.
If this is not the case, then he is not a very good magician if he has to rely on camera trickery to help him.

BOOOOO!!! Hissssss.....:p
It was camera trickery. Thats the trick. You think the (what was it, 3 girls watching) people are watching that trick, but it is edited so it looks like they are reacting to that trick when really they are reacting to the smaller levitation at a different time.
I watched a show on it. (the how it was done show)
wishlist said:
It was camera trickery. Thats the trick. You think the (what was it, 3 girls watching) people are watching that trick, but it is edited so it looks like they are reacting to that trick when really they are reacting to the smaller levitation at a different time.
I watched a show on it. (the how it was done show)

Please forgive me for being blunt but I've to say I had doubts in your explanation. After some thoughts, it's beginning to make sense. Gotta dig out that DVD and hopefully I can mentally block out those 3 annoying girls.
Of course, if you change the hue and saturation.. you can also see how this was done..


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Did you see him throw the deck of cards @ the store window? The card that the dude picked stuck to the glass ON THE INSIDE of the window!!! Explain that one?

He asks the person to show his card to the audience. There is an accomplice inside the restaurant who sticks that card from a duplicate deck on the inside of the window. Everybody else is paying attention to Blaine and do not even look at the glass until he whips the cards at the window.

He uses camera tricks and accomplices for various tricks, but I've got to admit his sleight of hand is unbelievable! He is truly a master. The idea is to use various sleight of hand tricks to get the audience warmed up and to suspend their disbelief and then he pulls a trick like the card on the window or the levitation trick so people don't even try and look for a logical explanation.

It's funny because I performed the levitation thing for my wife a few weeks ago when his street magic show was on TV and she freaked out ;) She couldn't figure it out even after I did it multiple times. It's all in the angle...
Arshad said:

He asks the person to show his card to the audience. There is an accomplice inside the restaurant who sticks that card from a duplicate deck on the inside of the window. Everybody else is paying attention to Blaine and do not even look at the glass until he whips the cards at the window.

I dunno know...
David Copperfield did the same trick -- on a moving train.
Looked pretty clean to me.