Westchester/Ct Caravan to The River Run

15 January 2003
Rye Brook, NY, USA
We will be meeting at the normal Westchester Ave/Corp Park Drive meeting point for departure promptly at 6:45am for Lambertville Station. The drive is approximately 105 miles and should take about 2 hours. We will of course arrange to pick up the group on rte 287 and continue down from there. Please add your name if you're going to join us:
Hi Roger,

I am thinking we will do the same as the past and meet at the Sheraton Crossroads on 287S?

I will contact Drifter and see if he will meet us as well.

Hi Roger,

I am thinking we will do the same as the past and meet at the Sheraton Crossroads on 287S?

I will contact Drifter and see if he will meet us as well.


That sounds like a plan:wink: 7:00 should give us plenty of time. The Lambertville Station location is about 15-20min from Sheraton Crossroads. It just depends on who is leading, we all know that the yellow car is all show an no go. lol
Jan and I will be getting on Rt 287 S at Mt Airy Road in NJ (exit#26 / mile marker 26.0). Our part of the trip is 39 miles/50 minutes per MapQuest.

We plan to start out at about 8am and could join you on 287 at around 8:05 to 8:10 am. How does that sound? I can PM my cellphone # to one of you so you can call me when you cross into NJ to let me know if you are running either behind or ahead of schedule.
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From the words of the late George Carlin: “Here’s another thing we may want to ponder before being thrown screaming from a helicopter?”

If the NYC group takes I-78 as originally planned , we are only saving 4 minutes according to google maps vs. I-80 (either route is fine from Marriott). Plus, we won’t meet-up with Westchester until all the way down near Bridgewater if we go I-78.

Why not go straight out I-80 to I-287 Exit and I-287s to Exit 40A and meet Westchester much sooner?

Westchester Caravan:
From Sheraton Crossroads Mahwah to Exit 40A Parsippany is 28 mins.

NYC Caravan:
From Teaneck Marriott at Glenpoint to Exit 40A Parsippany is 32 mins.

This is a no brainer; we will need to leave our respective hotels at the exact same time in order to meet-up.

Let’s agree on same departure time from Sheraton & Marriott.

Rich :smile::smile: cell #201.245.3007
The NYC caravan will not be meeting up with you guys on I-287 Parsippany tomorrow. We will be going down on our own at a later time. Thanks for your consideration. Roger - you can tell Larry we may even catch up with you guys anyway, on the open road at least! hahaha
Have a fun, safe trip.
Rich :smile::smile:
See you at 6:45. What is the landmark building to look for along that side road?
No building, it's the Corp Park Drive entrance off Westchester Ave. If you see Gannett Drive, you've gone too far.