Were Do you take your NSX to drive

3 June 2003
Plymouth, MA
Hi I'm a new owner. where do you guys bring your cars. The car gets so much attention I'm to nervous to park it any where. I went to the Plymouth water front yesterday and today I noticed my bumper is scratched like someone put there foot on it to tie there sneaker. I was courios to see how other owners drove there cars.
To nice to hide in the garage.
To nice to take any where.
I live in North West New Jersey, I take my NSX everywhere (except NYC). I just make sure I park very very far away. I also always park 1 side to a curb so if someone were to park next to me it's only on one side. For me the car attracts a lot of attention but it's usually the good kind. I have come out a few times to find people looking at it, I have never had anyone be abusive (knock on wood). Once I came out and there was a 9114S parked next to me, which was cool because I know he wouldn't ding my door :) Driving the car is different, I have every lunatic with a V8 or "turbo something" trying to mess around with me on the highway. It was fun for the 1st two weeks, now it's just annoying.

