Weird buzzing noise

25 May 2005
I recently had the motor out of my car to fix bad LMAs. While it was out, I took the oppurtunity to run a bigger fuel pump and fuel lines so I could run e85(car already had 1000cc injectors in it) . The only other modification was a SOS catch can setup. Now when I go to start the car, it fires right up and fizzles out quickly. After this, I get a really loud buzzing noise that sounds like it is coming from the throttle body area. When you move the throttle, the buzzing will stop. When you let it go, the buzzing starts back up. I have checked and double checked wiring and nothing is wrong. You turn the key to accessories and the buzzing goes away also. It really has me up a wall so any help would be great

p.s. car has a turbo and built bottom end. no headwork other than SOS LMA kit
the abs would make noises by the throttle body? weird thing is that it didnt make this sound before I took the motor out. So it has to be something that has been added. I see no crossed wires
okay, played with it some more, and it seems to 100% be connected to the throttle somehow. very loud buzzing noise, then push the throttle open and it goes away. could this be an electrical issue somewhere?
Clean and inspect the throttle body and throttle blade, make sure it is moving freely and is not binding during its complete travel. There are a few parts in there that can wear but not a common failure.

You should be able to hear this with the car not running but key in the run possition right.

What year is it?

If it is OBDII DBW then you can use a scan tool and see if the TB is reaching its commanded state or not, if it is OBDI then you could have a problem with the IAC being carbon fouled and not being able to return to a proper idle possition or the throttle cable is not adjusted correctly or is binding.

Does the car Idle high or low?

Hope this helps

The car is a 93 and does do it with just the key in the on position but not running. I'll check all that stuff today and see if it works
So I have pinpointed that it is the idle air control valve. unplug it and the noise goes away. I took it off and sprayed carb cleaner inside to clean it up. noticed there is 3 screws holding coolant section of it. can i take this off to clean it better or do I need a new valve?
So I have pinpointed that it is the idle air control valve. unplug it and the noise goes away. I took it off and sprayed carb cleaner inside to clean it up. noticed there is 3 screws holding coolant section of it. can i take this off to clean it better or do I need a new valve?

The IAC is bolted to the side of the intake just behind the throttle body, it is held in place with the fast idle assembly by a couple of bolts, if you feel comfortable removing both pieces and cleaning them out well that will be your best bet, just spraying throttle body cleaner in there while mounted is not going to be very effective but will not hurt either. You can download and read the service manual for where they are and how to get them off. There are a few O-rings that you need to make sure you do not loose in the process.

If that does not stop the problem then the IAC may need to be replaced.

so I have taken it off twice now, soaked it and then let it dry. each time it still buzzes. pull the electrical clip and the buzzing goes away. i just sprayed inside two holes on the iac so wondering if there is more in depth cleaning procedure or do I just need to buy a new one
so I have taken it off twice now, soaked it and then let it dry. each time it still buzzes. pull the electrical clip and the buzzing goes away. i just sprayed inside two holes on the iac so wondering if there is more in depth cleaning procedure or do I just need to buy a new one?
Mine did the exact same buzzing thing last year....drove me nuts. I think Cody changed something in the tune and it went away. Might be worth shooting him an email. I realize this thread was from 2 years ago. :)

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