ktan said:my personal favorite ..... the 959, these are finally street legal in the US now correct? wonder how much they go for?!!
jlindy said:Len
You were at the Tweeks show? I thought I recognized the garage pics. I found out about that one the day of. I went to it a few years ago when I had my 928. It is a nice little drive there and awesome collection of Porsche.
len3.8 said:It's hard to get good pics in the building because of space. Walking through is pretty awesome.. My kids and wife loved it.
In Effignham? Oh my, that would be nice. Eff is not that far of a drive. Details, man. I want details.len3.8 said:Yep that's from Tweeks, now Mid-America Funfest, He is building a Track, AutoX course, and Drag...
KGP said:In Effignham? Oh my, that would be nice. Eff is not that far of a drive. Details, man. I want details.
Meeyatch1 said:So...is that 959 still there?? If that Porsche collection is still there I might drive and see it.
NSX 207 said:Hi Len, Looks like everyone had a great time, from the smiles. Thanks for the pictures! I am a little worried or just concerned about that BIG GRIN of yours next to the Ferrari though. Wouldn’t be thinking of getting one would you???