Websites with how to drive on track?

15 November 2002
Kongsberg, Norway

This is my first time in this subforum and I start of with a question.

I am quite well driving on the track with my racebike. I was eight overall in Norway in 2006. But I am a novice with my NSX. I will not be pushing hard at all.

However I am one of the guys that will be a instructor on a track event next weekend. So I would like to read as much as possible on how to and what not to do and all the basics.

Can anyone recommend a website where I can find any info or a thread on Prime with info that would be good?


Although you have great experience with motorcycles, I don't think you can read how to properly drive a car on a track. There are some basic similarities such as braking and throttle application between the two, but I think you should get some experience with the car before instructing people.
There are some basic similarities such as braking and throttle application between the two, but I think you should get some experience with the car before instructing people.


We are still under law on the track so the speed will be max 100 km/h /50-55 mph.

Here is what I will be doing:

* Be a passenger in peoples cars
* Tell them and check that they engage the brakes before the turn
* Tell them and check that they do not have the brakes on while turning
* Have the correct line through the turn and try to hit the apex and use the whole track and not more. Not have to little track because you go in to the turn too soon.
* Make them aware that a correct line will mean that they do not have to use the brakes that hard
* Notify them all the time that they do take care of their brakes as they will lose them if they do not
* Notify them to take brakes themself and get plenty of water and let the car and themself cool down.

What I want is a crash course (pun not intended) on where you should be before the corners and where you should exit.

I am pretty good at apex and the line with a motorcycle. But I know my limitations are the correct line through corners with a car among other things.

I hope the above helped to explain what I want.


In the past when I was tracking my S13, I tracked and tracked and tracked. I also bought the DVD and book based from Skip Barber's Racing Class

Since you don't have much time left, and tracking won't do, I'd recommend watching the DVD and reading the book at your local neighborhood Barnes and Noble (if there is indeed one in Norway).

The DVD doesn't cover everything in the book, but it's a good start. And I also do understand that some people on this forum may think that Skip Barber's Driving Classes are whack, but since I haven't taken any course (yet), I don't have room to criticize.

Enjoy and happy tracking... :wink:

which track are you going to? i'll try find on youtube and other racing videos on the track. There's really no general rule on the line, every track is different. I know some track the line is different on wet and dry, depends on setup of the car, motorcycle...etc. vs. some track even bicycle had the same line. :wink:

and then of course, the general rule of out in out applies, but exactly where's the apex and how deep you want to go into the corner entry; you won't even know until you tried.
Re: Try these

Articles on bottom of this page:

Some others just picked at random off Google:

The Shelby club has the oldest primer that I'm aware of. I still think it's pretty good; it gives you the big picture to manage your expectations and limitations as a novice.

This should be more than you can handle in a short time. Most of all, put a high priority on learning the flags and being safe. Speed comes with seat time; I'm sure you know that from bikes.

Good luck.
I hope I'm the one misreading this, but I don't think so.... I think what he's saying is that he has no track time in car yet he is going to be an instructor for a car track event. :confused::eek:
I hope I'm the one misreading this, but I don't think so.... I think what he's saying is that he has no track time in car yet he is going to be an instructor for a car track event. :confused::eek:


You have somewhat understood the thing.

I will not be a full fledge instructor as in "I know it all" kind of thing. What my main purpose would be is to keep people cool and keep the speed down.

I have driven a weekend * 4 on the track before so I have some expirience.

This is the track: Arctic Circle raceway


Just a update on how things went as a instructor. I am super late with everything. I have not had the time to visit the forums for a long time.

Things on track went super smooth. No accidents at all. I was not "used" as much as I wanted. But I went out on the track as a passenger with a guy with a NSX.

I did a pretty good job giving him feedback on where he could do better and things he did wrong. He was satisfied.

In retrospect I saw that I told him to go into corners (at least in two corners) to "tight" and not use the whole track width going into the corner.

I have driven on that track a looot with my racebike also in competition. And if you went to wide in those corners people would dive on the inside of you and bump you down one place.

I told the guy about that so he is aware of my "bike line" through those corners.

So thank you all. I will again next year use the pdf somebody posted a link to here. Very usefull.

"Drive to win" - by Carroll Smith.

People with bike experience tend to adapt to cars very well. Since you've raced bikes on track, i'm sure you'll adapt to track driving your NSX with no problems, since you already have an understnding of weight transfter.